Thursday, June 14, 2012

AFA Calls On Families To Boycott JC Penny For Promoting The Gay Agenda On Father's Day

We received the following email alert from the American Family Association.  It is worth passing on: "Penney's is continuing its same-sex marriage promotion in advertisements. JCP's June catalog highlights 'two dads' celebrating Father's Day."

"The ad shows two men on the floor playing and hugging their two children at home. It reads, 'First Pals - What makes Dad so cool? He's the swim coach, tent maker, best friend, bike fixer and hug giver - all rolled into one. Or two. Real-life dads Todd Koch and Cooper Smith with their children Claire and Mason.'"

AFA also states, "It is obvious that JCP is promoting the normalization of homosexual marriage" and is encouraging people to not only boycott JCP on Father's Day but to call the JCP corporate office at 972-431-1000 to express displeasure at JCP's promotion of the gay agenda.


  1. Dumped my card up several weeks ago. I hate it like there socks but I will not support deviancy

  2. Have not shopped at JCP for a long time so they won't miss me, but I will protest their homosexual promotion agenda by calling them and sharing the message with others. This is disgusting.

  3. Sodom and Gomorrah...and we ALL know what happened there!!

  4. It is amazing to me that while many Christians focus on, and live the message of love, so many get derailed into lives of hate. Have a talk with the Jesus in your hearts. Really. Listen to what He tells you.


Posted By: Chris Carmouche