Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Obama Doctrine: Foreign Governments, Not Congress Determine When The U.S. Declares War

( We all know Obama likes to outsource work and does not believe as much in national sovereignty as he does in giving power over our actions to foreigners.  This was the principle he followed when he sought permission from the Arab League to engage in actions to oust  Libyan ruler Muammar Gaddafi. 

He never sought Congressional authority under the War Powers Act to go to war in Libya. There were excuses that this ignoring of Congress was due to time pressures -- the need to act quickly to save lives.
But apparently this has now become the Obama Doctrine -- if one is believe testimony from both Chief of Staff General Martin Dempsey and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta.

Read The Full Story


  1. He's an asshole. Keep voting for this moron who wants to do away with our rights. A lot of people have comment on how we have already lost a lot. Well, hold on to your pants because it WILL get worse. Only the very rich can afford a deep depression. I'm talking higher food prices, higher gas prices, finally shortage of foods, and under ObamaCare they will have a panel of people who know nothing about health issues who will determine if you can go into the hospital. If your old like I am they will let you die.

  2. I think I'm done blaming Obama for everything. I'm going to start blaming the American people because they are the ones who elected him and his cronies, and apparently are all too ready to reelect him to a second term. Many people seem to believe everything he says and question nothing. We collectively deserve dictatorship for being stupid.

    America deserves whatever it's going to get, plain and simple. The stunning ignorance on the part of a rapidly growing segment of the U.S. population that doesn't follow the news or do any political research was bound to catch up to the country sooner or later.


Posted By: Chris Carmouche