Sunday, February 26, 2012

Impeachment: The Forbidden Word

( We stand before the yawning maw of collectivism presided over by a self-proclaimed transformational president seeking to change us from what we have been to what he thinks we should be.  Mr. Obama is supported by what amounts to a personality cult in the media and a legion of fellow citizens addicted to either distributing or receiving the dole. 

The Republican candidates are standing in a circular firing squad working hard at allowing the Progressive Media make them look like the bar scene from Star Wars.  At the same time the media gives the President a pass for everything from gas prices to artificially deflated unemployment figures. 

If America as we have known her is to survive, we must elect a Congress with enough courage and enough votes to do what must be done.  The Congress we have now is passive in the face of serial provocations and outright illegality.  They will not call Mr. Obama to account on anything so he feels free to do everything.

Read The Full Story


  1. Alas for you, being black is still not an impeachable offense.

    1. However violating your oath of office as Obama has repeatedly done is

    2. Alas, for You, being an ignorant Liberal allows you to be a robot.

  2. The problem with impeachment is the Senate must convict to remove a sitting President from office. Do any of you who want the House to impeach believe the Senate will convict? Unfortunately we are going to have to wait until November elections and the January inauguration of a new President. 0bama is going to complete his 1 term Presidency. I just hope the next Attorney General will go after 0bama and Holder.


Posted By: Chris Carmouche