Thursday, December 8, 2011

‘On What?’--McCain Says He Didn’t Know Defense Bill He Approved Repealed Military Ban on Sodomy, Bestiality

By Elizabeth Harrington

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), the ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, told on Wednesday that he did not know that the 926-page Defense Department authorization bill that came through his committee and was approved by the Senate last week on a 93-to-7 vote included a provision that would repeal the military’s ban on sodomy and bestiality if the bill becomes law.

Read The Full Story


  1. It's called READ THE BILL!!!!! HELLO!!!

  2. I can't believe anyone would question whether a good man like McCain would really want male soldiers to be making out and showing affection to other men or animals on all fours. Obviously the women soldiers can do whatever they want but the men soldiers should be defending our freedom, not exploring the world of intimacy with boars, horses or dogs and what have you. McCain knows that's not what the military is about and that bestiality and sodomy should left for private time. Whoever tried to slip that in this bill and trick McCain should go back to his home and massage his otters or whatever he's got goin on. We can't let the liberals take over!


Posted By: Chris Carmouche