Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Rush on N.Y. Victory: 'No Democrat is Safe'

By Joe Kovacs

In the wake of last night's big Republican win for the New York seat in Congress abandoned by Anthony Weiner, top-rated radio host Rush Limbaugh says not a single Democrat in America can count on being elected in 2012.

Read The Full Story


  1. That would be great,no Dummycrats! No new ones neither if replaced by libertarians,independents
    and anything else but Dummycrats. The lefties and their corrupt union friends along with envirofreaks could all be transported to California where there's bookoo gun laws,envirofreaks galore,Hollywood nut cases,illegals up the wazoo,and have their own separate haven away from the rest of us and good riddance. They could have Harry Reid and Nanny Pelosi as their leaders. They won't have Oboy 'cause he will have been deported to Kenya. They will live in eternal misery forever because misery to them is bliss and they can blame it all on the Mexicans and Jerry Brown.


Posted By: Chris Carmouche