Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Hannity: Insiders Say Obama is Unhinged


  1. Anyone who has worked with children who have been rejected by their parents will recognize this lingering behavior. Obama was rejected by multiple "fathers" thoughout his young life. Now he can't deal with perceived "rejection" by anyone. I saw that instability in him early on. He has to know, within his being, that he is a fraud on many levels. That works on a person's mind, even if they try to hide it on the surface. The very fact that he is NOT the great orator some people thought, but rather is only a good reader of teleprompted material, is an example of how he must know that he is not as he was presented. Mad King Ludwig comes to mind as we watch this train wreck of an administration jump the tracks and spiral into a massive, burning heap.

  2. He's a total fake, who knows for sure if he even has a four year degree? He has obstructed every attempt at proving who he really is!

  3. Hannity is a liar, and full of shit. He's like the rest at Faux Noise..keep repeating a lie enough times until some believe it.


  4. In reply to Dee King:

    Dee, I really must disagree and say that you are the one who is full of it, you and the other empty headed fools who buy into Hussein's secretive past without question, and give him a pass on his socialist ideas about how to run this country, (into the ground is where he is running it to), so wake up, you have been duped by a President who has narcissistic personality disorder, it is so obvious to so many people, that I fail to understand anyone who doesn't see it, it is so plain to see. Give me one reason why you buy into his BS when he he is so secretive about his past, also why do you so blindly accept that, Dee? Is it that you are well named as you are deelirious? Also, Fox News is the most popular news station, by far, in the US, do some research and let me know why you trust a guy who promised an open and transparent presidency and has spent millions to hide his past, would you. Get a clue, Dee, you have drunk way too deeply of the koolaid.


Posted By: Chris Carmouche