Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Charles Rangel Convicted of Ethics Violations

(Reuters) - Democratic Representative Charles  Rangel, Congress' former chief tax writer, was convicted by a congressional panel on Tuesday of ethics violations, many dealing with personal finances. A congressional ethics subcommittee found the veteran representative guilty of 11 counts, including failing to report rental income and improper use of a rent-stabilized apartment and soliciting charitable donations from people with business before Congress. The panel's chairwoman, Democrat Zoe Lofgren, said there was "clear and convincing evidence" against Rangel, 80, from New York.


  1. OK, so are they now gonna slap him on the wrist (left one at that) and let him say how sorry he is that he got CAUGHT? How "wrong" this system is that would uncover such dirt on some poor govt. worker from of the back streets of the Bronx?
    IT"S THE STYSTEM'S FAULT!! IT LET ME GET AWAY WITH IT!!! How DARE those d***ned "Bushies" pop up again and accuse ME of mis-deeds! Why, I've been the PILLAR of uuuummmm.... well, I've been the PILLAR for some 20+ years getting away with all this!!!

  2. This is shocking news; I didn't know liberals had any "ethics". Don't they realize that democrats are supposed to be exempt from ethics violations. Many don't even understand that they are suppose to pay taxes every year. Charlie is only 80, the good people of New York want to re-elect him for a couple more terms, lets not do anything rash here. Maybe he will hire John Edwards as his lawyer. Why can't those nosy Republicans mind their own business. If it's only "illegal" then it's OK, (that's why we have so many illegal aliens). Liberals have redefined "illegal"; it now means ignore this, it's good for us.

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Posted By: Chris Carmouche