Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Liberal Media Lies You Always Assumed Were True

So... you really believe that you can see through the lies and fabriacations of the lamestream media. Well, if you want to put that assumption to the test, here's a list of 11 liberal media lies that most people still believe are true. Did some of these actually fool you? We dare you to test your knowledge...

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Reporter Asks Pope A Question That Just Caused A Firestorm

Fingers started flying and Twitter was buzzing in response to a possible offensive comment made during Wednesday’s photo op at the White House for President Obama and Pope Francis. Just before the photo session ended, amid the clicking of dozens of cameras, one media representative’s voice emerges from the rest...

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Pope Calls Illegal Aliens 'Pilgrims'

The Pope was very careful not to push messages concerning abortion and so-called "gay marriage" with Barack Obama, but that didn't stop His Holiness from talking about what he apparently believes are more pressing issues...

Angry Muslims Taunt School Officials: We Will Be The Majority Soon

At one point, things became so heated that an official urgeed security to "take charge" of the situation. At least on person was seen on video being escorted from the meeting...

Hackers Steal 5.6 Million Fingerprints From Federal Government

The Office of Personnel Management announced Wednesday that 5.6 million people are now estimated to have had their fingerprint information stolen...

Mike Huckabee: Obama Only Pretends To Be A Christian

Barack Obama is only pretending to be a Christian? We're shocked... shocked we tell you...

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Tribute: 20 U.S. Senators Who Served In The Military

They have the power to send our brave men and women to foreign lands to die and yet, so few have actually answered the call to duty. Here's a tribute to the men and women in the United States Senate who have answered the call to duty along with their ranks and the details of their service to this great nation...

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Kim Davis Headed Back To Jail?

The radical gaystapo never gives up. Even though Kentucky’s governor says that the marriage licenses issued through Kim Davis' office are valid, the county clerk who stood up for her principles is facing a new round of legal attacks from the American Civil Liberties Union...

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Obama Regime To Criminally Prosecute 'Climate Change Deniers'?

Here's yet another installment from the stuff you just can't make up department. Climate change charlatans are actually pushing the Obama Regime to criminally charge people who doubt that man-made global warming is "settled science"...

Man Behind 'Muslim Obama' Question To Trump Disappears...

The man who asked the now-infamous question about President Obama being a Muslim at Donald Trump’s New Hampshire rally has mysteriously vanished, leaving a growing trail of suspicions that he was a plant designed to embarrass the Republican front-runner...

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Monday, September 21, 2015

10 Things You Probably Didn't Know Were In The Bible

Unless you are a Bible scholar, some of what is actually mentioned in the Good Book is going to really amaze you. Here's a list of the top 10 things that you probably did not know are mentioned in Holy Scripture...

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The Hit List: The Most Radical And Dangerous Liberals In The Media

Who are the 10 most influential and dangerous liberals in the media today? Here's a list of the top ten. See if you agree with the choices...

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Another One Bites The Dust: 'Great Whit Bread Hope' Scott Walker Drops Out Of The Race

His popularity tanked into the proverbial political toilet once people realized that he was not as conservative as initially suspected...

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Emmy Awards Host Declared Trump A 'Racist'

Since so few people watched the Emmy Awards, you might have missed Adam Samberg's (he used to be on Saturday Night Live for those of you who, like us, never heard of him) multiple pot-shots at Donald Trump, Kim Davis and a host of others...

Carson Strikes Back At Radical Muslims Calling On Him To Quit The Presidential Race

Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson believes America’s president must embrace America's values. His campaign said that is the bottom line of comments that Carson made Sunday regarding Islam’s incompatibility with the Constitution, as well as his belief that America should not have a Muslim president...

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Sunday, September 20, 2015

10 RINOs Who Claim To Be Tea Party Senators

The names of some of these Senators may shock you. They ran as conservatives and they were endorsed by the Tea Party, but these 10 Republican United States Senators moved quickly to the left once they landed in office. Most are firmly in RINO territory and some are moving into RINO territory...

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What's Up With Those Painted Blue Lines Showing Up On Curbs Across America?

The thin blue line that symbolizes America's embattled police officers is taking on a literal meaning in city after city. Through the Safe Harbor Initiative, Anthony Welichko of San Antonio is urging Americans to spray paint a blue line on the curb by their home as a simple public affirmation of their support for the police...

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4 Out Of 5 'Migrants' Not Even From Syria

Is the government really lying to you? Are we really experiencing a foreign invasion? According to the Daily Mail, only one in every five migrants claiming asylum in Europe is actually from Syria. "This exposes the lie peddled in some quarters that vast numbers of those reaching Europe are from Syria," said David Davies, Tory MP for Monmouth...

Posted By: Chris Carmouche