Saturday, May 11, 2013

CBS Reporter To Lose Job Over Benghazi-Gate?

CBS' Sharyl Attkisson bucked the trend and was the only main stream media reporter who dared to investigate Benghazi-gate... and now it is being reported that she may lose her job over it... and the fact that the president of CBS News is the brother of a top Obama Administration official is allegedly not helping matters...

[Video] Obama: You're Already Benefiting From ObamaCare... You Just Don't Know It Yet

Well... we're glad Mr. Obama cleared that one up...

Pic Of The Day: The Obama Economy Is So Bad...

The Obama Economy Is So Bad...

Nixon's Missing Eight Minutes Of Tape Found With Obama's Benghazi Emails

In the days of Watergate, we constantly heard the mantra, 'Where are the tapes.' Today, things are different and the mantra we may hear over Benghazi might turn out to be 'Where are the emails' ...

GOP Senator Says Obama May Be Impeached Over Benghazi

"Of all the great cover-ups in history — the Pentagon papers, Iran-Contra, Watergate, all the rest of them — this ... is going to go down as most egregious cover-up in American history." ...

The Chinese Can Drill In American Waters... Just Not Americans Saith Obama

Strange, isn't it? "Drill Here, Drill Now" seems to appeal to the Obama Regime when Chinese companies tied to Obama campaign contributors want to drill for oil in American waters...

The Ponzi Scheme That Masks The Obama Great Depression

(Personal Liberty) Despite the lies and distortions you hear from the Barack Obama-adoring mainstream media, we are experiencing an Obama Great Depression to rival anything we experienced in 1929. But the truth is being covered up by an ever-rising stock market (that is completely disconnected from the economy) and a country awash in "Obama money."

New York Times Sides With IRS On Tea Party Harassment?

(National Review) While the Washington Post played the IRS attack on the tea party (and other conservatives, and Jews) on the front page, supplemented by an editorial, the New York Times buried the story on page 10.

Friday, May 10, 2013

[Video] The Benghazigate Dam Has Busted

Several days ago, former UN Ambassador John Bolton said the dam is about to bust on Benghazi... Now he's saying the DAM HAS BUSTED...

State Orders Opening Girl's Locker Rooms To Boys

You'll never guess which state just passed a bill mandating schools to permit boys to play on girls’ athletic teams and utilize the girl's locker room...

Cartoon: Whistleblower's Mother

Whistleblower's Mother...

[Video] Here's The Never Aired 2012 RNC Benghazi Attack Ad

Apparently the RNC produced a Benghazi ad attacking Barack Obama during the 2012 campaign and never aired it... you can watch it below...

Obama Urges Americans Not To Visit Anti-Obama Websites

(Washington Examiner) Barack Obama urged Americans not to read "some blog" or rely on Republicans to describe Obamacare, because they are telling "tall tales" about the law’s provisions.

Cartoon: IRS Bashes Conservatives

IRS Bashes Conservatives...

Shocking: United Nations Promoting Child Prostitution and Sexual Slavery... Again

(World Congress of Families) A report by the United Nations Development’s Program’s Global Commission on HIV and the Law, funded in part by a grant from George Soros’ Open Society Foundation, has a peculiar prescription for combating AIDS. It calls on governments around the world to legalize prostitution, including child prostitution, and drug use.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

100 Reasons To Impeach Barack Obama

For all the folks who say that Barack Obama has not committed an impeachable offense, here's a list of 100 potential impeachable offenses...

Here Are The 22 GOP Senators Who Just Voted To Raise Your Taxes

Most actually signed a pledge that they would not raise taxes. Obviously those pledges mean little when they believe you aren't looking. Here are the names of the 22 Republican Senators who just voted in favor of taxes on the Internet... be sure to share with your friends.

Caught On Video: Democrat Senator Admits Obama Lied

Watch this shocking footage of a Democrat in the United States Senate squirming at a recent Town Hall meeting...

Teacher Fired For Being Too Sexy?

Then again... maybe it was these rather provocative modeling photos of the 26-year old high school teacher that started appearing on the Internet that lead to her ouster...

[Video] Dems Congressman Blames Benghazi On Budget Cuts That Didn't Exist

What more can we say? Elected officials only get away with this foolishness because the public simply isn't paying attention...

GOP Senators Join Democrats To Defeat Border Security Measure

(Washington Examiner) The Senate Judiciary Committee has begun considering amendments to the Gang of Eight immigration bill. And on a key early amendment, Republicans Lindsey Graham and Jeff Flake — both Gang members — joined unanimous Democrats to defeat a Republican amendment that would have required proof of increased border security before legalizing millions of currently-illegal immigrants.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Senator Proclaims: The Dam About To Break On Benghazi

(Washington Free Beacon) Sen. Lindsey Graham (R., S.C.) wrote Tuesday he believes major revelations about the lead up to the Sept. 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya, are imminent, in a Facebook message.

Map Of Texas Gun Owners Released On The Internet

First New York and now Texas... Someone has just released an interactive map showing the gun-owners in the State of Texas. Their locations are marked by blue dots on the map below...

It's Official: Special Forces Prohibited From Rendering Aid In Benghazi

(Washington Post) As the weakly protected U.S. diplomatic compound in eastern Libya came under attack the night of Sept. 11, 2012, the deputy head of the embassy in Tripoli 600 miles away sought in vain to get the Pentagon to scramble fighter jets over Benghazi in a show of force that he said might have averted a second attack on a nearby CIA complex.

Obama Tries To Deflect Benghazi Criticism In Vain

The Obama regime is now attempting to pre-emptively counter the coming testimony from Benghazi whistleblowers with arguments that an internal State Department review charged with covering up the September attacks was led by an "unimpeachable" team...

Did Obama Say American Southwest Belongs To Mexico?

Is Barack Obama is sending secret messages to those south of the border, letting them know that he agrees with their contention that much of the Southwestern U.S. rightfully belongs to Mexico?

Monday, May 6, 2013

Multiple Obama Birth Certificates Surface

(Western Journalism) Not that we are surprised, but now there are multiple copies of Barack Hussein Obama’s “real” birth certificate that are surfacing and they are clearly indicating fraud.

Benghazi Impeachment Suddenly Not So Far-Fetched

(PJ Media) It could happen — and in my estimation should happen — the way revelations are playing out over the bloody terror attack that took four American lives and has led to weeks of prevarication and obfuscation.

[Video] Glenn Beck: 'Radical Revolutionaries Now Run The Government'

Beck says that "powerful elites" are "growing out of control." If you've had the same thought, then watch Beck and see what he has to say...

Sunday, May 5, 2013

[Video] MSNBC Joins The 'Birther' Bandwagon

But hold your horses. The Kool-Aid drinkers at MSNBC tell us that Senator Ted Cruz is ineligible to be POTUS but Barack Hussein Obama is eligible... they also remind us that people who question Barack Hussein Obama's eligibility are 'racists'...

[Video] A Saudi Connection To The Boston Bombing?

This Congressman from Pennsylvania speculates...

Obama Pentagon Sacrifices War Hero To The Muslim Brotherhood

(WND) The U.S. Army has further punished a highly respected and decorated officer in the wake of Muslim groups complaining about the approved course he taught on radical Islam at National Defense University.

Donald Trump - Jon Stewart Declare War?

(Hollywood Gossip) In response to Trump Tweeting that he's smarter than Stewart and referencing Stewart's real name (Jonathan Leibowitz) - Stewart referred to the billionaire as "F--kface Von Clownstick."

[Video] Lame SNL Fox And Friends Parody

The folks at Saturday Night Live are at it again with yet another lame parody of Fox and Friends...

Shocking Report: Tea Party Members Are Conservative

Yes, the left is so confused that they needed to commission a study to find out what makes those pesky Tea party people tick and wonder of wonders, they found out that Tea party members are conservative. Here's what else they found out...

Posted By: Chris Carmouche