Monday, November 19, 2012

[Video] MSNBC Reports: Hamas Missiles Harmless Israel Overreacting And Needlessly Killing Civilians

MSNBC didn't simply report the idiotic lie. MSNBC pressed the point and beat it like a cheap gong. Fortunately, Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren brilliantly defended his position and left the MSNBC anchor looking stupid. Is MSNBC clueless... anti-Semitic... both? Watch yourself and decide.

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  1. East Coast liberal Jews are about to find out who their Real friends are - and I got news for ya, they won't be found at DNC headquarters, or those aligned with the current administration...

  2. I don't see the anchor's questions the way you have reported them to be. I see her questions as set-ups for the Israeli ambassador to make Israel's case for its defensive attacks on Gaza. She did not accuse Israel of wrong-doing. She played "Devil's advocate" (Hamas would then be properly cast as the Devil!) to set the stage for the justification of Israel's actions.

    1. I suppose 96dd81fa, that when she said that Gaza was the most densly populated area in the world she was not trying to criticize the Israel. That's a lot of bunk. She most certainly was not sympathetic to Israel. You must have watched a different video.

    2. Then why does this woman keep asking these questions like a broken record. Don't confuse Oren's competence with a lack of bias on the part of the host.

  3. He deserves a free car for going on MSNBC.

  4. After listening to this obvious attempt to sway public opinion against Israel, I took a minute to try to think of why MSNBC would perform such an act. I'm not Jewish, but I do realize that Israel is our only real ally in the Middle East. We get many important technical devices from Israel, since Silicon Valley is being slowly choked by CA regulations. I've decided that I must have missed the news when MSNBC was bought by foreign interests. I definitely don't recall when they changed the name to Most Surely Nothing But Communists. At any rate, it's irrelevant. I'm tired of seeing news anchors and and "journalists" pander to interests aligned against our country. I will not watch MSNBC again.

  5. Why don't we make this stupid pro-arab broad go stand in the target of one of those "harmless" missiles and then come tell us what fun she had getting hit.

  6. I agree with one of the comments above. As bad as I think MSNBC usually is (I'll watch it once in a while to see what the enemy is thinking), I think the reporter was actually fine. She was stating what are probably the Arab views, which are good to know about, but the ambassador did a great job refuting those views with logic.

  7. All the people who are bashing Israel need to shut their mouths as their stupidly is showing. maybe they would like to go over and see the real action for themselves...up close. I have never in the history of the World known of any Country who warned people before bombing. Of course that was futile since Hamas likes to hide behind Children and Women. This is so the World will side with them. They have been bombing Israel for years, daily. I was there, I saw.
    MSMBC your anti-Semitic leanings are disgusting and you need to apologize to Israel as well as to us here that love Israel. We know the truth.

    1. Who would be so stupid as to trust anyone who hides behind a mask.

  8. How serious would it be if just one missle landed in her neighborhood?

    I thought of a great promotional gift MSNBC could distribute. They could put their LOGO on BARF BAGs!!
    If I had one of those maybe I could watch for mor than a few seconds!!!


Posted By: Chris Carmouche