Friday, July 12, 2013

Teen Girl Holds Sign: 'Jesus Isn’t a D—, Keep Him Out of My Vagina'

This young girl’s pink sign reads: "Jesus Isn’t a D—, Keep Him Out of May Vagina." See it here.

 Hat Tip: Life News


  1. Another sign: Jesus is not a doctor, so keep him out of my vagina.

    Another sign: Republican and Tea Party Legislators and Governors are not Doctors, so keep them out of my vagina.

    Another sign: My doctor does not want me to have an ultrasound before I have an abortion, so keep Gov. Bob McDonnell (R-Virginia) out of my vagina.

    1. From your post, it would appear that you have no issue with just about everyone else being in your vagina... so what's the problem?

    2. She just might not have a Vadina? You know a convert!

    3. I'm spelled it wrong I ment to say a Virginia.

    4. Jesus is not a doctor, He's a healer and raised people from the dead. More importantly, He can heal your sin-sick soul, even if you've had your unborn baby butchered.

    5. The greatest thing about these disgusting people is that most are liberal fools. Let them kill their own until they are an extinct breed of sub-human. Killing the innocent is a shame, but maybe it is better for the progeny of these idiots.

    6. It is very sad that such a young child could suffer such depravity! I pray for this young girl that some caring relative or friend will lead her to Christ. It is obvious that her parents have failed to be responsible in her upbringing.

    7. ya know "these woman are setting themselves up for a really good case for sterilizing" "also, to bad abortion wasn't legal when these girls were being born"!

    8. What a sad sign. Jesus loves you anyway, whether you write an idiotic sign and march around the world with it, or send Him your child to hold in Heaven while you act like nothing ever happened. He will always love you. The Bible says that while we were yet sinners He died for us. He's big enough to get over your sign, so call on Him, abortion and the right to do so is not the answer to our problems, Jesus is....remember Whoever calls upon the Name of the Lord SHALL be saved.Dont wait call on Him. See He is the love you are looking for when you create these disposable babies. You will find love when you SEEK HIM : )

  2. Who taught her to talk like that?

    1. her parents who are on welfare

    2. She has a mind of her own, and she listens to MSNBC, not the lies on Fox with Rush Limbaugh.

    3. this is really sad those girls need a lot of help where are her parents it is really a shame

    4. this reminds me of what i over heard a woman in a grocery line say. she told her friend that she was offered a job at $10 an hour. she laughed and said, I make more then that on welfare. If I need more money i just have another baby. In fact my daughter is just about of age, I'll get my boy friend to knock her up. That's the kind of mentality that this person has.

    5. Your vagina probably smells like Limburger cheese..I'm sure they will stay out..How about keeping my Tax $$ out of your smelly vagina???

    6. Don't forget to spay or neuter your liberals!

  3. These "signs" are so disgusting and hateful I don't even know what to say anymore. The time to keep a d**k out of your vagina is when you decide to have sex.

  4. How truly sad. Her mother must be so proud.
    An example of modern values that parents nowadays pass on.
    pray for lost souls like this poor girl.

  5. I'm sure she learned it in public school. Thanks NEA.

  6. this is Obamas America get use to it he is a scumbag and his whole bunch is dirty they all will have stand in front of Christ except Obama he'll be Allah

  7. Equal Rights for Unborn Women!

  8. This is is also heart breaking.

    I presume this is connected with the requiring of an ultra sound prior to having an abortion......

    As a retired RN, I am more than well acquainted with both the term and the policy of "INFORMED CONSENT"....

    When I worked in a 'Level Three Perinatal Center' [we were equipped to care for high risk moms and preemies born after 20 weeks gestation. That was in the mid 1970's..........

    Since then Neonatology has made quantum leaps in caring for these tiny PEOPLE.......I have held these born-too-early miracles and watched how hard they fought to survive....each breath was an incredible effort but was always followed by another......some survived [more girls than boys] some did not but they TRIED!!!!!! They wanted life............

    Since Roe v Wade the womens' movement and progressives have tried to sell the concept that women [or girls] wanting an abortion for an unplanned pregnancy were not actually carrying a "BABY" but an "unviable mass of cells"............

    Just imagine the surprise when an ultra sound reveals not only a beating heart but a FACE......the face of someone God has given you.......a gift that is entrusted only to you.....and only "YOU" can make the decision if that tiny person will live or die.....months before he/she was scheduled to emmerge into humanity, such as it is.

    That new life represents HOPE......hope in a future that sometimes looks very dire...........

    "Informed Consent" is required for every medical proceedure that I know of........why not THIS ONE????

    1. Amen! well said. God knew us before he formed us in the womb. You are killing one of God's children and there is a warning in the Bible about shedding innocent blood.

  9. Evidently this young "girl" does not really know who Jesus is. I sincerely hope she gets what she wants as long as WE the taxpayers do not have to pay for her abortions, or support her illegitimate children. Not fair to the parents that support their children by WORKING EVERY DAY. IGNORANCE IS BLISS....

  10. I love the government in my ass! I like everyone in my ass. It is fun!
    Do you want to be in my ass? I have a mass of cells up there just waiting to come out.. Do you want to see?

  11. Better sign: "I allowed a dick inside me, but I don't want to take the responsibility for my decision"

  12. Another slut any parent or grand parent woudl be PROUD to introduce; of course, it's possible that she learned that at home; what a wasted life

  13. Any young woman who brings up a public spectacle about her private parts and mocks Jesus in the process is both a slut and libtard idiot with an IQ of 2. She is the product of her Government Department of Education schooling who teach kids this baloney under the guise of the first amendment. It's obvious her parents have been mostly in absentia most of her life while pursuing their yuppie lifestyle and always voting Dummycrat.

    1. @Why do you guess her IQ is that high?
      As a Libertard, an IQ of 2 would make her TOP OF THE CLADD

  14. This child is lost because her parents are lost. All that each of us can do is prevent ourselves and our own children from succumbing to this depravity that equates license with freedom. Mocking God and his gift of life is not freedom, but slavery to Satan. This society has not only lost its morals, but its reason and common sense.

  15. They need to sue him!!!!

  16. Asolutly despicable!!! You can thank the deliberate twisting of the minds of our young by the democrats / liberals. They are hell bent on taking them with them into the amoral abyss by brainwashing and indoctrinating them in our schools, our universities and elsewhere. They have totally ruined what could have been a true, real and worthwhile life for them. Tehy will never experience life as was meant to be and the democtats / liberal are happy and wringing their hands with lust!

  17. a voice in the wildernessJuly 13, 2013 at 10:14 AM

    This is so disgusting and shameful! Did whoever put her up to this stop and think about what the reaction will be when her friends, grandparents and bullies see this picture and recognize her? Do they even care? They are not the ones who will get hassled the most about this, that young girl is. Way to go, "Mom", or whoever! Nice freakin' job --- NOT! Jesus said that whosoever corrupts one of these young children would have been better off had they never been born, their punishment will be so awful! Do you think if that young girl watched a film of an abortion she would support it? She probably doesn't even comprehend what an abortion is!

  18. She sounds like a prostitute. Maybe that's why she needs a baby killer for a doctor.

  19. Stupid is as stupid does! Only stupid people talk like this! She doesn't know Jesus or such trash would not be coming out of her! We have to pray for her.

  20. can't believe what I'm about to say, I'll say it anyway. this young girl is a good reason for abortion, her and her entire family and those that agree with their type of mindset. Why she can't be more than 16yo. I'd have to be on sedatives if my daughter at that age was carrying around a sign like that, she can't even understand what she thinks she's taking a stand for....well maybe I'm wrong. Perhaps in her family this is a standard operating procedure and is no more an issue than having a tooth pulled.

  21. I agree with the majority of the previous anonymous statements written. The item written July 12, 2013 at 4:24 is a wonderful article.
    I am so Blessed that I do not have a daughter with such a POTTY MOUTH. I cannot help but feel sorry for her and her family. So embarrassing and so sad for them.

  22. So truly sad. Another child who does not think before she/he does.
    To the young woman holding the sign (you cannot be considered a lady, of course, because of the words you chose), the internet never forgets - what future potential employer will be impressed with you when they come across this viral photo?
    Well, price of free speech I guess.
    To those of pro-murder- whoops, I mean pro-choice - is it fair to society for you to have your cake and destroy it, too, so to speak? Why should I shoulder the sexually engaged's responsibility via taxation (without representation) because the woman makes a choice to open her legs and the man chooses to put his penis in her vagina? Where is my choice in this? Why should we pay for your before and after birth control (which includes abortions), and subsequent STDs? Doesn't that force us to be in your vagina?
    And if a woman and man do not want to risk getting pregnant, there is a free, guaranteed way to avoid it: Close your legs!
    BTW I am adopted and I am blessed my birth mother every day that she chose life for me (and she was raped; she chose not to let there me another victim of this crime by killing me).
    So, as a way of thanking her, I am standing up for the rights of girls (and boys) yet to be born, their right to life ~ for those who cannot speak for themselves yet for they are still in the womb. Even if the mother was raped, the pre-born still have a right to life.
    They can cry in the womb, but no one can hear them.
    The only voice the pre-born have is to be seen - and that is why IMHO so many "Pro-choicers" do not want those wishing to kill their babies to see via an ultrasound the life they carry, to hear the heartbeat of the one they are choosing to murder. It's easier to think of it as tissue to be removed rather than a life growing inside of you but separate of you at the same time (I am referring to how a woman's body protects the baby from the mother's blood and antigens - look it up).

  23. Save your anger for the people who deserve it. Who ever brain washed this girl will someday wish they were never born. This sign is a reflection of America..... Govt officials giving Visa's for Sex, IRS spending money that isn't theirs and getting away w/it, good people getting murdered, but nobody did it...and they are in charge (who needs terrorists right?) the media, and let live...lack of morality as long as you have money and fame is glamorous......Any reference to right and wrong and your racist or prejudice (10 commandments are offensive).....Clear your head and hum on a yoga mat or take a pill, get bo-tox for your wrinkles and everything is great in the morning...... This sign puts in in your face..... A child w/very little conscience....and...she didn't get there by herself.


    We are truly an uncaring People,
    When we sit idly by,
    And don't even raise our voice,
    When GOD'S unborn Children Die.

    Do you think GOD is happy
    That we won't raise our voice and say,
    Stop this murdering of GOD'S unborn
    Change all Abortion laws today!

    Whether in the womb or Born
    They are still GOD'S little one,
    And GOD and GOD alone,
    Will let them live or call them home.

    Who do we think we are,
    That put ourselves in GOD'S place,
    And judge who lives or dies
    Did we create this human race??

    Well people I have to tell you,
    That your thoughts about life are wrong,
    That these little unborn children
    To our HEAVENLY FATHER belong.

    Because if you abort a Baby
    It is a child of our KING,
    You have truly committed murder
    Of a tiny Human being.

    Because abortion if definitely murder
    And we know murder is a sin,
    And we as all GOD'S Children
    Shouldn't have let abortion begin.

    So stand up for what is right
    Don't just sit idly by,
    While this inhuman race or ours
    Allows GOD'S unborn children Die.

    They are all GOD'S Little children
    Even in their mommy's womb,
    Don't let this UNGODLY Human Race,
    Put them in a tomb.

    STAND UP for the LORD and SAVIOR
    And Let your Voices ring,

  25. We are truly an uncaring People,
    When we sit idly by,
    And don't even raise our voice,
    When GOD'S unborn Children Die.

    Do you think GOD is happy
    That we won't raise our voice and say,
    Stop this murdering of GOD'S unborn
    Change all Abortion laws today!

    Whether in the womb or Born
    They are still GOD'S little one,
    And GOD and GOD alone,
    Will let them live or call them home.

    Who do we think we are,
    That put ourselves in GOD'S place,
    And judge who lives or dies
    Did we create this human race??

    Well people I have to tell you,
    That your thoughts about life are wrong,
    That these little unborn children
    To our HEAVENLY FATHER belong.

    Because if you abort a Baby
    It is a child of our KING,
    You have truly committed murder
    Of a tiny Human being.

    Because abortion if definitely murder
    And we know murder is a sin,
    And we as all GOD'S Children
    Shouldn't have let abortion begin.

    So stand up for what is right
    Don't just sit idly by,
    While this inhuman race or ours
    Allows GOD'S unborn children Die.

    They are all GOD'S Little children
    Even in their mommy's womb,
    Don't let this UNGODLY Human Race,
    Put them in a tomb.

    STAND UP for the LORD and SAVIOR
    And Let your Voices ring,

  26. As one who loves Jesus and attempts to serve him faithfully, I am dismayed at the hurtful comments made by so many regarding this young lady. I am very much opposed to abortion; however, in spite of her misdeeds and misdirected comments, she needs to understand how much Jesus loves her. I pray that someone will be able to demonstrate that love to her.

  27. That teen is a future whore.
    That must be a great household she is being raised in.NOT

  28. Frankly I think that this kind of exposure only
    encourages this kind of insanity.

  29. God has prevailed in Texas. But, we have only won the battle not the war. All abortions should be outlawed and I hope that is the next issue Congress tackles.

    That girl is advertising how loose she is with her body. She thinks that she can "let anyone/anything into her V and if she gets pregnant she can just have an abortion. Go ahead foolish girl, let the creeps, drug addicts, abortionists and cold, metal, killing instruments in there too. One day you'll be praying to God to let you have a baby. But it will be too late, because you have an STD, or a damaged womb, or Hep B, or worse.

  30. The poor girl probably has no idea what the sign is all about, but someone (that she trusted) stuck it in her hand. She probably thought it was cool to be protesting, whatever it was about. America needs a revival and awakening!

  31. Just dont make me pay for what is in your vagina.


Posted By: Chris Carmouche