Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Republican Nude Photo Scandal...

(Daily Caller) A young Republican who worked during the 2012 campaign for former presidential candidate Newt Gingrich and vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan has been charged with federal stalking charges after allegedly threatening to expose nude photos of women.

Adam Savader, 21, was arrested after women complained to law enforcement that he told them he would distribute nude photos he found of them to friends and family unless they provided more naked photos, according to a news release by the FBI.

Sources confirm to The Daily Caller that Savader is the former GOP campaign aide. On his Twitter profile, Savader describes himself as "American Patriot. Reagan Republican. Formerly @PRyan’s sole intern on @MittRomney's campaign and a @newtgingrich campaign staffer."

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  1. Oh MG. Somebody claiming to be a Republican did this. That proves all Republicans are bad. Of course, we can't draw any conclusions from the fact that Muslims bombed the Boston Marathon. Just because they did it for jihadist reasons doesn't mean their religion had anything to do with it. In fact I fully expect the MSM to anniounce that they were Republican Muslims any day now.

  2. If he were a democrat they would give him a senate seat.

  3. Muslims are only doing what their "God Book" instructs them to do in the back 1/3 of the Qur'an. Of course the front 2/3 instructs about peace. But then the back 1/3, to a Muslim, is more valid for faith and practice.
    Bottom line: Infiltrate a country peacefully and as you gain control bring the rest of the country into slavery or extermination under Islam. Look around, it is happening all around us through fear. The Qur'an is actually a book of Treason infiltrating the poison of pride and fear in the U.S. under the U.S. Constitutional Freedom of Religion.

  4. P.S. And the same "God Book" the Qur'an, instructs the followers of Islam that the sun sets at the end of each day in a muddy swamp to be made anew by allah each morning and that it takes 4 women to equal one man in value. Seems like the creator may of been off track by making the population about 50/50 of men and women. Why not 4 to 1 if that position were true. As a prophet in Islam can not lie, how can anyone trust the book or the prophet? The Qur'an also calls Jesus a Prophet but can not confirm even one of His teachings.


Posted By: Chris Carmouche