Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Obama Commands Senators Not To Filibuster Gun-Confiscation

Senators Rand Paul, Mike Lee and Ted Cruz wrote Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid: "We will oppose the motion to proceed to any legislation that will serve as a vehicle for any additional gun restrictions." According to the Washington Examiner: "The White House criticized the Republican senators’ decision." ...


The Washington Examiner Adds:

Cruz raised the specter of a national gun registry in a statement explaining his move. "The Democrats' proposed legislation would require universal background checks for private sales between law-abiding citizens, which according to DOJ would be effective only if accompanied by a national gun registry," he said. "This raises serious constitutional issues, and would divert resources from prosecuting felons and fugitives who try to illegally purchase guns."

Lee’s team took a broader, process-oriented view. "Bills that potentially violate Americans' constitutional rights should at least pass with a bipartisan majority and not be imposed by the majority alone," communications director Brian Phillips told The Washington Examiner. "That’s why we have these rules in the Senate."

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  1. Obama is trying to destroy America, everyone in Congress knows he's not a natural born citizen, and something is wrong when he buys 2 billion rounds of hollow points ammunition, FEMA strategically puts hundreds of thousands of plastic coffins all over America and then buys almost 3000 armored vehicles several seen patrolling American streets, and drones over American sskies. While AG Holder says Obama has authority to kill Americans on our own soil. So, gun confiscation is the next step.

  2. He,Reid,Pelosi,Holder Napolitano,hagel,brennan are ALL criminals and should be charged!!!!!!

  3. The Game of "Harry Reid killing Fienstien's total gun ban law was the usual smokescreen of deception as it returned in full color as an 'amendment' under good old Chuck and a few other well known gun right's hater's. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain folk's there is nothing to see there.


Posted By: Chris Carmouche