Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Here Come The ObamaCare Death Panels

Liberals laughed when people said that ObamaCare would bring health care rationing and death panels, but a newly released report from Kaiser Heath shows that states are already moving to cap benefits.

Additionally, the National Right to Life Committee recently stated that ObamaCare will contain: “multiple provisions that will, if fully implemented, result in government-imposed rationing of lifesaving medical care.”

According to The legislation authorizes bureaucrats to cap the value of insurance policies that Americans acquire.

Furthermore, the exchanges will rule out competition when governing bodies do not concur with premiums, and the exchanges may also exclude insurers whose plans outside of the exchange offer the capability to minimize the hazards of denial of coverage by allocating what those authorities can claim is an “excessive or unjustified” benefit.

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Posted By: Chris Carmouche