Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Eric Holder Disenfranchising Black Voters Under The Banner Of Civil Rights

Horace Cooper doesn't come right out and say it, but his recent report, 'Victims of Voter Fraud: Poor and Disadvantaged are Most Likely to Have Their Vote Stolen," may substanciate what could be the greatest irony in Eric Holder's crusade against the various states that are attempting to institute voter ID laws. Namely, that the majority of voters who may wind up disenfranchised as a result of Holder's efforts may be minority voters.

Again, Cooper doesn't directly make the case but we could not help but connect the dots and take notice of the irony as we read the report.

Simply put, cities "with the highest minority population" also have "the largest number of election 'irregularities' referred for prosecution."

In one instance, involving voter fraud in upstate New York, Cooper writes: "Democratic county elections officers and city councilmen from the town of Troy stand trial for absentee-ballot fraud. Four Democrats have already pleaded guilty in a case that highlights who the real victims of election fraud usually are: the poor, minorities, the sick, the old, and other vulnerable members of society."

You can read the rest of Cooper's report, published by The National Center For Public Policy research here.

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Posted By: Chris Carmouche