Sunday, April 27, 2014

[Video] Kapiolani Hospital Lying About Obama Birth Records Says Sources

Mike Zullo, the lead investigator for Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Cold Case Posse, was told by Kapiolani officials, some time back, that the facility only maintained records for 25 years - ergo, it would be quite natural that they had no admission records for Stanley Ann Dunham (Barack Obama's Mother) at the time of Mr. Obama's birth; but apparently sources within Kapiolani Medical Center now dispute that claim..


  1. Nothing will be done. This matter should have been taken care of in 2008. Neither Congress or the Senate has the fortitude to take any action. Even if the Congress did act it would be shut out of the Senate by HoHouse Harry Reaper.

    1. I agree, it should have been taken care of, but the money man saw to it that all inquiries reached a dead end. And in some cases, I mean that quite literally.

    2. true but by law dirty harry would of committed a crime by trying to cover up another crime, And his would a charge of treason.

    3. Although it should have, I agree with you. There has been far too much complicity that would be uncovered should this be properly pursued!

    4. Want ALL the answers about
      Barack Hussein Obama Soetero Soebarkah (his real Indonesian birth name) Go To : Unitred States Justice Foundation. They have all the Birth, School and Passport records. They also have a Court Hearing to criminally 'REMOVE' Obama and removing all his signatures, thus returning America back to Jan.20th 2009 at 12:01am and only G.W. Bush's signatures are Legall. Impeachment would not remove Obama's sinatures. Any Questions? Go To United States Justice Foundation... God Bless America...Again...SOON...

    5. the courts cannot remove Obama as president as the only way for removal under our constitution is by impeachment followed by a trial min the senate. However, Harry and Nancy can be found guilty of false vetting of Obama in 2008. So we might as well wait until 2016 then with a new AG in the DOJ we can then go after Obama, Reid and Pelosi unless they move to Kenya.

  2. .Be in D.C. - MAY 16th - and Toss the Bums Out !!

    1. Mob violence is not the answer to Obama's attacks on the nation. Millions of people sacrificing money and time to go to Washington, D.C. will do less good that if they had voted against Obama in 2012, and I suspect it will do absolutely NO good.

    2. You sound like one of sheeple. I've already got my plane ticket, and hotel reservations made..

  3. I would like to know where are all the Immigration records before and after during Obama birth time line. Some how they became missing.

  4. The teatards always say anyone supporting Obama is lying.
    Give it up idiots.

    1. If Obama's mouth is open he is lying, and in many cases, his supporters are lying. Sorry, there is no defense for that, it's a fact, whether it is teaparty, or repubs. or independents speaking out.

    2. And the "democrats/liberals" ALWAYS resort to childish Nyah nyahh name calling because the have absolutely NO substantive, fact based arguments on ANY issue.

      Go home child, and leave the important discussions of the day to the far more intellectual citizens.

    3. "Teatards"? Where did you learn that? Kindergarten?

    4. Apparently the birthplace of the majority of comments by these types of individuals.

  5. As a healthcare professional who has been responsible for birth care and birth certificate work for MANY years.....
    Hospitals merely complete birth certificate info - and it gets filed with the state. So regardless of a hospital saying their records only go back "xxx" number of years, it's irrevalent. This is a legal document and would be with the state of Hawaii!!! There has been TOO much focus on the hospital proving all this.
    In addition, the "form" for birth certificates does NOT even allow some of the terminology found on the copy of obama's birth certificate presented by the White House..... There are choices for different components of the certificate, and they do NOT include words used by the WH.... "African" would only allow a choice of race. The choice of race would be white/caucasian, black, oriental, etc. Obama's birth certificate uses "African American" .... A REAL birth certificate would have "black" identified as the race.
    The errors just go on and on, and get muddied by people not even understanding the process. It is FAKE. No other option!

    1. Until 1973 you would not find a catagory listing of black on a U.S. issued Birth Certificate, The official terminology used was Negro. I know this from information freely availible on the United States Census sight.

    2. Re: "Until 1973 you would not find a catagory listing of black on a U.S. issued Birth Certificate..."

      Answer: In HAWAII, you were allowed to write in any word that you wanted to describe your race. Some people put down that they were "American"---which is not a race. Others said that they were "Italian?---which isn't a race either, and then there were hundreds of others who listed themselves as "colored" or "Japanese-Chines" or "Chinese-Japanese-Korean-Hawaiian". In short you were allowed to enter anything that you wanted.

      And the word that AFRICAN exchange students commonly used to describe their race in the 1960s was---wait for it----AFRICAN.

  6. Maybe we need to get the BLM bureaucrats with there pistols and the Oath Keepers, Patroits, state malatia from Montana etc. Do ypouthink they'd move then?

  7. Trust me, Hillary and Bill knew and did nothing!

  8. The fact that Obama was a junior senator from Illinois and was skyrocketed to the presidency should have raised major alarms all over the country! No one had heard of him outside of the senate and Illinois yet in a matter of months he took the presidency! That my friends is what we should be pondering and fearing! It never should have happened. Even his race should not have been that much of a factor as the fact that he was a nobody and had no money of his own to run! He was worth less than a million on paper before he ran now he is a multimillionare and we are still paying ALL his fees.

    1. He has been bankrolled for his entire life. He has never held a real job, ever. His has been and is a leach on society that met the right people to push him to the White House. Brilliantly played, I might add.

  9. EVERYTHING about Obame is a LIE !!!!

  10. More teatard lies about Obama.
    Bla Bla Bla.

  11. For Obama to have been born in a foreign country:

    (1) Obama’s relatives would have had to have been rich enough (and they weren’t. In 1961 Obama’s grandfather was a furniture salesman, and his grandmother was a low-level employee in a bank [she did not become a vice president until 1970], and his father went from Kenya to Hawaii on a free flight) and dumb enough to send their daughter at high risk of stillbirth to a foreign country to give birth—-—despite there being fine hospitals in Hawaii;

    (2) Obama’s mother would have had to have traveled overseas ALONE (since WND has proven with a FOI Act request that Obama senior stayed in Hawaii throughout 1961) and somehow got Obama back to the USA without getting him entered on her US passport or getting a visa for him (which would have had to have been applied for in a US consulate in that country and the records would still exist);

    (3) Obama’s relative would have had to have gotten the officials in Hawaii to record his birth in Hawaii despite (as birthers claim) his being born in another country and somehow got the teacher who wrote home to her father, named Stanley, about the birth in Hawaii of a child to a woman named Stanley to lie (and since the woman’s father’s name really was Stanley, Obama’s relatives would have had to have found one of the very few women in Hawaii with fathers of that name to do it).

    If you sincerely believe that Obama could have been born in a foreign country, then you could answer all three points. For Obama to have been born in a foreign country, all three would have had to have happened.

    So, the question is, what are the chances that all three happened?

    (Oh, and there isn’t even proof that Obama’s mother had a passport in 1961, and very very few 18-year-olds did, and EXTREMELY few women traveled abroad late in pregnancy in 1961 because of the risk of stillbirths. Yet birther sites hope that a few GULLIBLE people will just assume that she was one of the few to have a passport and one of the extremely few women to travel abroad late in pregnancy, and that the birth certificate is forged and the officials of BOTH parties who have confirmed it and the Index Data and the birth notices sent to the Hawaii newspapers and the teacher who wrote home are all lying. )

  12. The only things that I want to say about Obama's BC, since just about everything in the world has already been said, is this. Obama's magic is about ready to fall off the face of the earth. This youngster in the High Office has done nothing but screw up the United states, and his time is just about up. If it will be his BC that makes the youngster fall, then so be it, if it be Benghazi debacle, which is about to bust wide open, then Let it Be, I just believe that his game is about up, and he and his family need to start packing their bags, this I really believe. Watch and see.

    1. You have the right to dream your dreams. The "I believe that the game is up" myth has been going on for five years or so, as has the "about to bust wide open" myth.


Posted By: Chris Carmouche