Friday, April 25, 2014

NSA Blackmailing Obama Over Homosexual Affairs?

You won't hear about it in the main stream media but this NSA whistleblower says that Eric Snowden's antics have made this shocking information known to America's enemies as well...

(Veterans Today) Russ Tice states that the Washington Post informed the NSA two weeks before Snowden went public that they had a leak, necessitating Snowden’s urgent flight from Hawaii to Hong Kong.

He also reveals that NSA was already spying on Obama and his family and staff long even before he ran for the US senate. He hypothesizes the NSA may be blackmailing the President, just as former FBI director J Edgar Hoover used his extensive files on Kennedy’s sex life to blackmail John F Kennedy.

According to Tice, this may explain why Obama has reversed himself on so many of his campaign promises, especially those related to the restoration of constitutional civil liberties.

Former intelligence insider Wayne Madsen and other pundits have speculated that Obama is being blackmailed over gay sexual activity in his past.

Read The Full Story


  1. What's that you said Barack? "This SUCKS ! Well, you should know Barack. Baggy pants won't show Knee bumps. ~Rick Magee, "MOLON LABE"

  2. Somebody on another site said Obama was gay and Moochelle is leaving him after their butts are out of the oval office which is not soon enough.

    1. I've read on the net that MOOCHELLE is a drag queen

    2. Appears Michelle is fed up with Barack & taking ALL the trips she can on our $...also taking Mother & Children......Barack is pissed BUT apparently she doesn't give a rat's ass after he was flirting w/a woman @ some event......boy did she look pissed !!!!!!!!

  3. A gay blade in the oval office.A ass hole in the Senate Harry Reid. A racist as attorneyly General Eric Holder.Three lying bitches in Hillary Clinton and Kathleen Sebilius and Nancy Pelosi.Jay Carney another lying mouth piece for obama.All the lies are catching up to them.The mainstream media needs to say the truth about Obama and his minions.

    1. I wish we knew how to get the media to start telling the truth and stop covering up for Obama

    2. I don't think that will ever happen. It is too late for this Godless country. We are through.

    3. He didn't get that round mouth from eating square meals!

    4. They will NEVER report the truth

    5. Well said, the muslim homo piece of shit should be taken out in chains now

    6. They all deserve prison time, and the hangman's noose for their treason.

    7. I do not understand WHY Obamas shenanigans are not
      broadcast from the rooftops ????

    8. The lying propaganda media tell the truth about the lying liberal politicians? I think I saw a pig fly over my backyard. LOL!

  4. Like him being a 'mo wasn't known before all this? You won't catch me being surprised at anything this marxist muslim has done.

  5. It is anti Muslim to be gay! Or so I have been told. Is that true?

    1. islam forbids homosexuality, alcohol, and smoking. However, such things are rampant in muslim countries. Also, pedophilia is a huge problem.

    2. These muslim freaks would rather hear a fat boy fart than a pretty girl sing.

    3. Cant wait till they catch Carney under Obama's desk in his blue suit.

  6. Just a thought... the Bible does not refer to Muslims as people, but as heathens.

    1. Actually, the Canon of Scripture was closed six centuries prior to the existence of Islam

  7. Harvey Milk Stamped "Out" Forever !

    The Obama Cabal is behind universal GAYety with a "forever" postage stamp glorifying Harvey Milk, a Jewish homosexual predator "attracted to boys aged 15-19," according to WikiAnswers! (Also see Wikipedia.)
    Global gaydom was even predicted by Jesus (see "days of Lot" in Luke 17 and compare with Genesis 19).
    And the Hebrew prophet Zechariah (14th chapter) says that during the same end-time gay "days" ALL nations will come against Israel and fulfill the "days of Noah" at the same time (see Luke 17 again) - a short time of anti-Jewish genocide found in Zechariah 13:8 when two-thirds of all Jews will die.
    In other words, when "gay days" have become universal, all hell will break loose!
    Shockingly, the same "days" will trigger the "end of days" - and when they begin, worldwide human government will quickly wind down in just a few short years! For the first time in history there won't be enough time for anyone to even attend college, let alone have a family, save money, enjoy retirement, etc.
    One final thought. The more we see gays "coming out," the sooner Jesus will be "coming down"!
    For more, Google or Yahoo "God to Same-Sexers: Hurry Up," "Jesus Never Mentioned Homosexuality. When gays have birthdays...," "FOR GAYS ONLY: Jesus Predicted..." and "USA - from Puritans to Impure-itans!"

  8. How can any human regardless of what they claim to be ( excluding homosexuals), let the people we voter for get away pushing perversion at us and the children, claiming it is a good thing!

    Obama wants to change the constitution ( under the pretense to make it better), most likely to protect homosexuals, pedophiles and every thing perverse that is an abomination to GOD! Republicans does nothing except push their agenda to cut veterans disability, destroy social security and Medicare. They lied about SS and MC being broke. They have been trying to cut vets disability, destroy SS and MC since Bush and the Koch Bro started the lies about being broke, the Republicans continue to betray veterans and the American people, that is why Obama will continue his agenda with out anyone to stop him.

    Veterans need to wake up, Seniors need to wake up and flood their members of congress demanding they stop Obama.

    If they do not we need to replace them.

    America is suppose to be the land of the free, both parties have used terrorist to take away our constitutional rights.

    Why did John McCain in secret add a paragraph to the defense bill giving Obama power to use the military against Americans, Lindsey Graham SC supports McCain.

    Bill Clinton killed over two hundred women and children at Waco, FBI sniper on Ruby Ridge shot a mother that was hold her small baby. gave a promotion.

    Democrats like Reid who will end up trying to kill Bundy, they are the only party that has killed Americans. We have to stop them from doing it again.

  9. obama is a fag; obama is a dicksucking ball licking asshole licking little hideous aberrant sick twisted deplraved little fag whose asshole is big enough to drive a Fiat into.

  10. oboma is trouble but the people who put him in office should be found and charged with trason. Including the RINO's who went along to get along.


Posted By: Chris Carmouche