Saturday, January 25, 2014

Senate Report: Obama State Dept. Retliated Agaisnt Benghazi Witnesses

(WND) In a particularly stinging accusation that went largely unreported by news media, the Senate’s extensive report by its Benghazi investigative committee charged a "strong case can be made that State engaged in retaliation against witnesses who were willing to speak with Congress."

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"No reasonable explanation accounts for the State Department’s unacceptable treatment of these witnesses," read the report.

The lawmakers also accused the State Department of returning some witnesses to active duty so they were "shielded from, or actively avoided, Committee requests for interviews."

The Senate document revealed that not only have key executive branch witnesses declined to be interviewed, the White House "still has not provided all relevant documents to the Committee."

Other documents were only provided on a “read only” basis, meaning that the Senate committee was "only permitted to view them for a limited period of time, while being supervised by the coordinating agency, and had to rely upon our notes when preparing the report."

Read The Full Story

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Posted By: Chris Carmouche