Tuesday, August 6, 2013

[Video] California Police Shut Down Peaceful Impeach Obama Protest

This footage, taken by a private citizen, begs the question: Are we living in a police state?

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  1. If the police took down graffiti that would be good. If they prevent citizens from expressing their views, that is not at all good. Police in many cities are now acting against the citizens rather than for us. Soon we'll have no choice but to secede from Obamaland, no matter how great the cost.

  2. Just as I suspected, if anyone became president except Obama who happens to be part black, the police would have let the protest continue. But in the America now, if you happen to be black, even half, you can do no wrong. More then a police state, America has become a racist police state.

  3. I got this in my email with the sentence.."this begs the question: are we in a police state?"
    No this doesn't, it answers that question...yes we are.

  4. If it was Occupy Wallstreet or the New Black Panthers this would not have happened. If you are Liberal Leftist you can do anything including throw bottles at police but if you are peace loving Conservative or God forbid Christian, forget it!

  5. Its about the international bankers, that is why it is made to cast blame blacks, instead of what it is,fascism.

  6. I'm not an Obama lover and I'm not racist. I hate his white half just as much as I hate his black half. But, the question is did they have a permit to protest? This video doesn't explain that and if they didn't, then the police were only doing their job. They have families to feed too and a job to perform, and sometimes they have to do things they don't want to do and may be unpopular, but they are required to in order to keep their jobs.


Posted By: Chris Carmouche