Monday, April 8, 2013

Obama Warns GOP Not To Filibuster His Gun Grab

The AP reports that Barack Obama is "warning Republican lawmakers against using delay tactics to sink legislation."

"The president is singling out GOP lawmakers who want to use procedural maneuvers to block legislation. Obama says the move would be akin to saying the public's opinion doesn't matter."

"He is also challenging the notion that gun legislation would be a political victory for him. He says the debate 'isn't about me' and should instead focus on families that have been torn apart by violence."

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  1. The "illegal alien" should be puit on the fast-track to Kenya, or Indonesia--where he holds citizenship. He does not belong in the Presidency of The United States for many reasons, the first of which he is NOT a U.S. Citizen. What is he doing in the White House?

  2. Obama is in the white House because we don't have anyone in the GOP with enough balls to start impeachment proceedings or charges against him. He continues to do just as he pleases and just like this article; he dare anyone to try and stop him. The spineless wimps we have in congress are a disgrace to our country. Obama will never leave the White House and our elected congress members will set by and watch it happen. They are like a bunch cowed dogs running with their tails between their legs. Obama justs laughs and smiles: "just like taking from a baby".

  3. I agree that the Repubican Congressmen for the most part are too cowardly to do the job for which they were elected. They need to unseat Boehner from his Speaker position and elect someone who has the courage to stand up to Obama and his Marxist agenda.
    We need people who will support and defend the First, Second and Fifth Amendments as they are sworn to do. In Fact the entire Bill of Rights is under attack by the Marxist administration, which is also sworn to support and defend it. I am disgusted with the whole bunch.


Posted By: Chris Carmouche