Friday, April 26, 2013

McConnell Squashes Legitimate Obama Birth Certificate Concerns

Louise Hodges asked Senator Mitch McConnell to address a very serious quirk in regards to information on Ann Dunham's Passport files which cast serious doubt on Barack Obama's citizenship...

Hodges writes: "When I discovered Obama’s mother’s passport files posted on the Internet, I sent copies to Sen. Mitch McConnell and Sen. Lindsey Graham, explaining the passport problem and asking for an investigation."

"I also wrote a piece for the Western Center on Journalism, explaining the problem with Ann Dunham’s passport files. I had one simple question: If Obama was born in Hawaii, why wasn’t he included on his mother’s passport files? Passport regulations required a photo of parent and child and a copy of a hospital birth certificate."

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  1. Hope the people in Kentucky vote Rhino McConnell out as soon as possible.

  2. This is just another worthless ole man in the Senate, drawing a fat paycheck and retirement but lacks the common decency of being a true and honest American. This slimeball should be run out of office immediately and move somewhere that the American people do not have to look at his ugly fat face and replace this reptile with a good honest AMERICAN and no damn howllywood screw-up. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. McConnell and Boehmer both must go! ~Establishment RINO's ~Rick Magee, FL

  4. Where did McConnel get any authority to "stifle" a legitimate investigation and the evidence that goes with it?

    Maybe he's next?

  5. He is! Hell is coming for this clown.


Posted By: Chris Carmouche