Friday, April 26, 2013

Gang Of Eight Amnesty Bill Fast-Tracks Illegals For Citizenship

(Washington Examiner) A little-noticed exception in the Gang of Eight bill provides a fast track for many — possibly very many — currently illegal immigrants.


Under a special provision for immigrants who have labored at least part-time in agriculture, that fast track could mean permanent residency in the U.S., and then citizenship, in half the time Rubio said. And not just for the immigrants themselves — their spouses and children, too.

A second provision in the legislation creates another fast track for illegal immigrants who came to the United States before they were 16 — the so-called Dreamers. The concept suggests youth, but the bill has no age limit for such immigrants — or their spouses and children — and despite claims that they must go to college or serve in the military to be eligible, there is an exception to that requirement as well.

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Posted By: Chris Carmouche