Friday, February 1, 2013

Beyonce: A Tool Of The Illuminati?

Sounds crazy, but according to US News and World Report, a libertarian-based Political Action Committee is urging Americans to boycott Beyonce's halftime performance at the Super Bowl this weekend. US News writes...

"Bill Fawell, the founder and president of Elect a New Congress, is among those who believe Madonna's performance had a hidden agenda. And he tells Whispers that he fears Beyonce's halftime show this year will be worse."

"Fawell is no stranger to politics and political controversy—his uncle Harris Fawell is a former Republican congressman from Illinois, his father, Bruce, was formerly a powerful chief judge in Dupage County, Illinois, and his cousin, Scott Fawell, served as former Illinois governor George Ryan's longtime chief of staff before going to jail on federal charges of racketeering and fraud."

"Fawell, who wrote New American Revolution: The Constitutional Overthrow of the United States Government, founded Elect a New Congress last June to fight against "the tyranny" he says U.S. presidents have started to exercise. He's fighting the Super Bowl show because it's an event he believes influences the minds of millions of Americans."

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Posted By: Chris Carmouche