The hard left is at it again. Apparently, as many as 60 leftists mayors are
planning to "boycott" gun manufacturers. Of course, when city officials abuse
the power of their offices to exclude businesses from the marketplace, as they
attempted to do to Chick-fil-A some months ago, it's not a boycott... it's
The Daily Caller reports: "Minnesota Public Radio reports that
Mayor R.T. Rybak of Minneapolis has said that he and 60 other mayors are
considering boycotts of gun makers who don’t agree to their sweeping list of Gun
Control demands. Taking a page from the Rahm Emanuel playbook, the mayors intend
to use their police department purchasing power as leverage."
"Mayor Rybak said he mentioned the idea to Barack Obama during a recent visit,
and 'Obama and his staff were delighted by the idea.'"
"By no coincidence, Obama is visiting Minneapolis on Monday, February 4th, for
the first of a lengthy series of campaign-style gun control pep rallies."
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