Tuesday, November 27, 2012

[Video] Millions Of Votes Cast In 2012 Withheld

Bev Harris, the founder of Black Box Voting.org, tells Info Wars that millions of votes were withheld from the nationwide counts.

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  1. Is anything being done about this? Probably not, there should be some big time prison sentences handed down, but I'm not holding my breath. It seems most of the repubs could care less as long as they get their share of the pie. Washington needs to be flushed, as it's starting to smell.

  2. We knew this before election day that voter fraud was going to take place and it was not going to be the republicans that chose to cheat. They were going to do everything they could to make sure Obama won. I am sure the people who work in the White House have been threaten to make sure they agree with Obama whether they are Democrats or Republicans or else their families would be in jeopardy. I know it is hard to believe that something like this could happen but if they spoke out no one would believe them and then they would really be putting their lives on the line. I am sure most people will agree that we soon will be another Egypt. They never saw it coming either as it happened one step at a time and now they have been taken over by the Muslim Brotherhood. That is what is going to happen to our Country within the next several years. Obama is leading us one step at a time to turn us into a Muslim World. The hand writing is on the wall. I am sure everyone knows about the Army that Obama is training, right? They are 18 -24 year old boys that are being taught how to fire machine guns and they will one day be controlling our cities. They showed a photo of 230 that just passed their classes and more are in training now. Once they get enough kids trained then with all the ammunition that has been purchased which is tons of it they will then be given orders to travel our streets to protect us. Seriously, no, what they are planning is when all the kids are trained within all the states Obama will declare Martial Law and once he does that Congress cannot intervene for six months. Obama will become dictator and that is when he will have his Army go to every house and swipe up their guns. The rest of the mission could end up like what Hitler did to his people back in his day. Not a pretty picture. They chose 18 -24 year old boys because they can easily be brained washed to do as they are told. People the future does not look bright. Hope those who voted for Obama are happy.


Posted By: Chris Carmouche