Thursday, November 8, 2012

Should Boehner And McConnell Resign From The Leadership?

(WND) The current Republican in leaders in Congress should step down from leadership as a result of their "massive failure," according to legendary conservative activist Richard Viguerie.

"What I would like to see from them is that they resign," he said, noting that in most governments party leaders step down in the wake of massive failures like Obama’s re-election.

"This president was just hanging on by his fingernails. Most people expected he would lose his re-election, and he won a strong victory. The leadership of the party, including (Reince) Priebus at the Republican National Committee, Speaker Boehner and Leader Mitch McConnell and all the others, including John Cornyn of the Senate campaign committee, they all need to resign and bring some new leaders in there."

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Posted By: Chris Carmouche