Wednesday, November 7, 2012

It's Time For Church Leaders To Wake Up

The people who express a belief in God and still voted for Barack Obama are not at fault. The fault lies with religious leaders who are not providing salt and light in a dark and bland world.

Steve Ertelt with points out that in spite of unprecedented hostility toward the Catholic Church, Catholic voters went to the polls in large numbers and voted for Barack Obama.

While this problem is most certainly not confined to Catholics, Ertelt gives us some food for thought and illustrates that the leaders of our religious institutions need to wake up and start taking an aggressive stand against hostile politicians and government policies.

(Life News) Despite a presidency that was based on attacks on Catholics, with aggressive promotion of abortion and attacks on religious liberty via the HHS mandate, President Barack Obama received the majority of Catholic votes on Tuesday.

Exit polling showed 25 percent of the electorate consisted of Catholic voters and they went for Obama by a 50-48 percentage point margin. Exit polls revealed that churchgoing Americans were more likely to vote for Romney and less frequent churchgoers sided with Obama.

That makes it appear Catholic Church leaders need to do more to engage nominal Catholics who do not attend religious services frequently and may be less disposed to the pro-life views and teachings of the Church.

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1 comment:

  1. If any priest, pastor or rabbi who did not insist their congregations follow not the church but to follow the Bible, knowing who you vote for, you are agreeing in God's eyes with that leader, are then just the same as the person who endorses/makes policy the anti-Bible stances, including marriage and "life" other than what the Bible teaches. Jesus said you cannot have it both ways, "either you are for me or against me." There are no moderates in the Bible and as the Bible says, no moderates in heaven after this life either. Galatians 6:6,7.


Posted By: Chris Carmouche