Monday, October 1, 2012

60 Percent Of Doctors Ready To Quit According To New Survey

(Western Journalism) - Doctors are working less and are seeing fewer patients; and many would quit if they could, a sweeping survey of 13,575 physicians from across the nation shows.

The survey, “A Survey of America’s Physicians: Practice Patterns and Perspectives”, was commissioned by The Physicians Foundation.
It is the latest and perhaps the largest and most comprehensive of a number of surveys that have identified wide, deep, and increasing discontent among the nation’s physicians regardless of their age, gender, specialty, location, or employment status.

“It is downbeat, and it is a concern. What we are documenting here is a trend and the trend is pretty solid,” Walker Ray, MD, vice president of the nonprofit foundation, told HealthLeaders Media.

“Physicians feel powerless. They don’t feel like their voices are being heard. They don’t feel like they were heard on the run up to healthcare reform and they don’t feel like they’re being heard now.”

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Posted By: Chris Carmouche