Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Obama Tells Our Enemies: The Future Belongs To You

Did anyone else notice that Barack Obama, while apologizing at the United Nations today, also took great care to assure our enemies that the future belongs to them and not us. To be precise, Obama said....

"The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam. Yet to be credible, those who condemn that slander must also condemn the hate we see when the image of Jesus Christ is desecrated, churches are destroyed, or the Holocaust is denied."
At first glance, the statement seems innocent enough; but ask yourself the following question... do those who follow the religion of peace not understand the phrase, "those who slander the prophet of Islam" to refer to Christians, Jews and all those who hold anyone in higher regard than their "beloved" prophet?

Be kind to the heathens. The Koran, after all, refers to them as "People of the Book." Condemn the desecration of the images of their Christ (who is, after all, a prophet in the Koran). Condemn the destruction of their churches and those who deny their Holocaust, but rest assured... the future does not belong to them. It belongs to you, and as those who will have dominion, you must set the example.

Let's just call it the Obama Doctrine of Noblesse Oblige.

WND and radio host Michael Savage pulled no punches: "With his Middle East policy imploding, Barack Obama 'crawled' before 'anti-American jackals' at the United Nations General Assembly today to apologize for a film that insulted Islam, said talk radio host Michael Savage."

“'We have the most spineless, dangerous president in American history,' Savage told his “Savage Nation” listeners today."

"He expressed disgust for Obama giving deference to an audience that includes 'Third World gangsters who sit there in their silk suits enjoying the 25 percent we the American taxpayer pay to keep them in their silk suits and their prostitutes on the Upper East Side.'”


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  1. Why does the future not belong to those who slander Islam? I think that just preaching Jesus Christ is the Son of God as any Christian would do would be considered slandering the prophet. Christianity is not passé unless those who follow it surrender to Islam.

  2. obama, gutless, spineless, muslim a**-kissing dog-eater-in-chief proving once again his and his slobbering-morons' top priority is furthering the cause of barbarianism to the detriment of Christianity, freedom and liberty
    Someone oughta tell the freak that normal, Christian AMERICAN citizens could care less about mohammed OR the crazy wack-jobs (like him) who kill, maim and torture in his name.

  3. The documentary movie, "2016: Obama's America", clearly defines Obama's motives, and thus, defines his speech to the U.N. He's a clear and present danger to America. Go see the movie.

  4. HOLD ON THERE! That is not a balanced statement by Obama. To be balanced, it should state that the future should also not belong to those that slander Jesus Christ, Confucius, or Abraham, among others. Obama singled out "The Prophet of Islam" (who but a Muslim would speak that way?)as above all others when it comes to slander. Which rhymes with pander.. What concerns me is that in the Koran, I am slandering mohammed by placing Jesus Christ or a Higher Power, or the God of my understanding above their prophet. Basically they consider it slander by us infidels to refuse to convert to Islam. The way I read it, Obama said that the future belongs to Muslims, because everyone else is slandering their prophet. Face it, the guy is a muslim. Just g0ogle Hussein Obama's repeated gaffes "57 states" and "my muslim beliefs" , his bowing low before the wahhabbi islamic king of saudi arabia, allowing secular governments in 3 countries fall to the muslim brotherhood on his watch, his refusal to meet with Israeli PM Netanyahu, telling NASA that a top priority was to make muslims feel better about their (lack of) contributions to science (yes that is true), and the list goes on. Its so obvious even an Obama worshipping ditz like Madonna recognizes it and said we have a "black muslim" in the White House.


Posted By: Chris Carmouche