Friday, August 10, 2012

Obama Requests Over Half-A-Billion Dollars For Homeless Drug Addicts

Remember that guy, Matthew Lesko, who used to sell a book that outlined all the really cool freebies that you could squeeze out of Uncle Sam? Well, here's some more free stuff courtesy of Uncle Sugar. If you're a homeless drug addict without a place to live, no problem. Uncle Sugar will be allocating approximately a half-a-billion taxpayer dollars to provide you with housing assistance.

"Obama has requested over half-a-billion dollars for Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) programs that provide housing assistance to homeless or HIV-positive people in drug treatment," according to

But that's just the tip of the iceberg. The half-a-billion dollars for housing assistance for drug addicts is just a tiny piece of the pie. While claims "the Obama Administration has committed over $10 billion [to] drug education programs and support for expanding access to drug treatment for addicts," is reporting that Obama is actually requesting a grand total of $25.6 billion this coming year for the National Drug Control Policy budget."

The stated goal of the funding is to “reduce drug use and its consequences in the United States.” Exactly how that goal will be realized, like most everything else the federal government funds, is difficult to determine; but we can only hope, since it appears that money will not go directly to the "recipients" but be doled out as grants to those who are willing to provide the housing, that Tony Rezko will be barred from the program.

After all, the only thing worse than giving homeless drug addicts a place to live is forcing them to live in substandard conditions under slumlords who grow rich, courtesy of Uncle Sugar, for providing the slums. You can read the rest at

Posted By: Chris Carmouche