Friday, June 1, 2012

Who Are The Seven RINOs That Voted Against Banning Sex-Selective Abortions?

(ACN Staff) The House of Representatives failed to pass a bill that would ban sex selective abortions on Thursday.  Although a majority voted in favor of the bill (246-168), the measure reqired a two-thirds majority vote to pass.  Many may be under the impression that the final vote tally was along party lines; however 20 Democrats actually voted in favor of the ban and shockingly, seven Republicans votes against banning sex selective abortions.  Those Republicans were...

Justine Amash (R-MI), Charles Bass (R-NH), Mary Bono Mack (R-CA), Robert Dold (R-IL), Richard Hanna (R-NY), Nan Hayworth (R-NY) and Ron Paul (R-TX).  You can view the full list of congressmen voting for and against the measure here.
Posted By: Chris Carmouche