Saturday, June 23, 2012

Video: Look Out Whitey: The University Of Minnesota Gon' Get Your Mama

Actually, the title above is a tongue in cheek play on the title of a well-known book written by Julius Lester: "Look Out, Whitey! Black Power's Gon' Get Your Mama!" Lester was a well-known author and figure in the civil right's movement in the 1970s. However, there's nothing funny or tongue in cheek about the University of Minnesota-Duluth's roll out of it's deceptively titled "Unfair Campaign." The ad below, which shows a montage of whites advancing the idiotic premise that America is a racist country run by and for white people only, should serve as an example of the propaganda which passes for learning in our hallowed halls of higher education.

As Obama's mentor, The Rev. Jeremiah Wright says, "white folks greed runs a world in need." It would perhaps be more honest to say, "taxpayer money runs liberal institutions of idiocy and indoctrination." Watch the video and give us your thoughts, and please, don't respond to racism with racism.


  1. What is unfair is that only blacks can claim racism...when whites are victims of racism too. It's harder for a white to get a job because the employer has to hire a certain number of so called "minority" so the government doesn't impose penalties.

  2. It is most simple. The Left requires identification by racial criteria to exist. Under National Socialism, Jews were deemed a "race." Under Soviet Socialism, something quite similar occurred. After the murder of Martin Luther King, the race machine in the United States grew to epic proportions, such that a Jackson could speak of "Hymies" and today's blacks may speak of "crackers," while crying racism. With the economic failures of the political Left becoming ever more apparent in a tidal wave of fiscal bad news, it is imperative that they scream "look over there" to deflect attention. The current scream is "racism." The accusation no longer disturbs me, because my family and I have become weary of it, resentful of it and reject its blanket, stereotypical and therefore "racist" strategy to judge based on skin color. Without "racism" as the next "green jobs" game, the Left is in deep political trouble because the results of their policies are rolling in as failures in spending and more. Esepcially in public universities, this is become clear. When the UNM "white" management and bureaucracy all step down to sacrifice their jobs and pensions to "people of color," I will believe their sincerity (and stupidity). But of course the "white" people who helped create this political campaign want to have more than the next fella. This is the way of the Left, which has always sought political power as a way to a life of ease, in order to live off others outside the competitive world of business and the private sector. They are in the early stages of collapse, and this silly and inane campaign is proof positive that they are the "racists." But this has been true for a century and more.

  3. I was raised in a white middle class suburb of the Twin Cities area in the 60's and 70's, we took an Ethiopian foster child, and had no racial issues. I was raised that bigotry was (and is still) a mortal sin, and to respect everybody as a human being regardless. I see people of color, different ethnicity and I see a "person", and find interest in their backgrounds. I was raised and act exactly like the "reverse racists" say I'm not. And what I never hear anymore is that they called it the "slave trade" hundreds of years ago, because their own black tribal leaders sold their own people into slavery. I"m not saying it was "right", but that it was a slave "trade" in which, in many cases even the tribes in Africa and other nations were part of. Today, many blacks in Africa remain in slavery, some under extreme religious views. Where is the outrage and protest over that? The University of Minnesota is such an indoctrination center, it is appalling, and with relatives from the "Iron Range" who settled it in the late 1800's and early 1900's, who came here for freedom and a better life are no "card carrying communists" and more. This self-hatred and loathing is systemic to our country. Can you imagine in Central and South America people saying "It's unfair we are of Spanish origin?" Or in Asia, "it's unfair to be Asian? The Stalinist, Statist, enviro-wacko's of Duluth and the Iron Range have severely tainted my love for that area and it is extremely sad.

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Posted By: Chris Carmouche