Monday, June 25, 2012

Media Says: Obama's Support Is Lagging Because Of Racism

( Barone) As Barack Obama's lead over Mitt Romney in the polls narrows, and his presumed fundraising advantage seems about to become a disadvantage, it's alibi time for some of his backers.

His problem, they say, is that some voters don't like him because he's black. Or they don't like his policies because they don't like having a black president.
So, you see, if you don't like Obamacare, it's not because it threatens to take away your health insurance, or to deny coverage for some treatments. It's because you don't like black people.

This sort of thing seems to be getting more frequent, or at least more open. As White House Dossier writer Keith Koffler notes, HBO host Bill Maher accused Internet tyro Matt Drudge of being animated by racism because he highlights anti-Obama stories.

MSNBC's Chris Matthews asked former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown if House Chairman Darrell Issa's treatment of Attorney General Eric Holder was "ethnic." Brown agreed, and Matthews said some Republicans "talk down to the president and his friends."

Read The Rest Of The Story


  1. the race card is all these commiecrats have, obama is a dismal failure and they cant tout his record because its in the toilet so rather than admit their mistake they claim we dont like obama because hes black ...but we stand with Col Allen West and Herman Cain and the rest of the black conservatives but that's different because their not ''real black Americans ,their conservatives''....its not now nor has it ever been about race but that's all these losers have

  2. A black kid asks his mom, "Mama, what's the definition of a democracy?"

    "Well, son, that's when white folks work every day so we can get all our free benefits!"

    "But mama, don’t the white people get mad about that?"

    "Sure they do, but that's the definition of racism!"

  3. As far as being against the President because he is black, he was black in 2008 when he was elected. As far as being against his policies because he is black - If a white Republican Presidsent enated the policies Pres.Obama has, he would be behind bars, after being convicted of TREASON!!!!!

  4. You see that is the entire problem right there race race race, hell the biggest race problem is the Democratic Party using the Afro-American, example is when Planned parent hood (supported by the Democrats) has killed a whole lot more black people (unbornes) than the KKK ever thought of. You talk about race baiting racial suggestive inuendo "They are goin to put you back in chains" wake up folks to the fact that black people of America are being used, and it ain't becasue he is black he is plain out a bad president, likable as all get out, just dumber than a rock when it comes to running the country unless you count running it into the ground.


Posted By: Chris Carmouche