Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Texans Shoot Down Spy Drones

( Following columnist Charles Krauthammer’s observation that the first person to shoot down a surveillance drone on U.S. soil will be a “folk hero,” gun enthusiasts in Texas have done precisely that as a protest against the use of spy drones on the American people.

Using consumer drones as target practice, Alex Jones and the Steiner brothers tested out the best way to bring down the drones on the 10,000 acre Steiner ranch as part of filming for Brothers in Arms, a new show which focuses on firearms and the second amendment.

With spy drones now commercially available for less than $1,000 dollars that are barely any different from the ones being used by police departments to spy on the public, Jones and the Steiners made short work of the devices during filming.

This was an exercise in pushing the message that the use of surveillance drones in U.S. skies must be politically shot down because it represents a complete violation of the 4th amendment right to privacy.

Read The Rest Of The Story


  1. Since when does Obama and his "administration" give a whit about the constitution or the amendments? The American people are fair game, especially if you are against our illegal leader.

  2. I don't get it at all the Congress allows this to happen without even thinking.

    Well we will be thinking when they lose their jobs and that will happen and that is a fact.


Posted By: Chris Carmouche