Saturday, May 12, 2012

Romney: Gay Marriage No, But Redefining The Family? That May Be Another Matter

( Be careful, be very, very careful. Mitt Romney has affirmed once again his opposition to homosexual “marriage.” However, the GOP presidential candidate, said it was perfectly “fine” for homosexual couples to adopt.

Understand what is at stake here. While Romney doesn’t want to change the definition of marriage, which should be applauded, it seems he is willing to let the definition of family be changed.

The former Massachusetts governor, in an interview on Fox News, said:

Read The Full Story

1 comment:

  1. "Next of Kin Rights" got 'hijacked by one group wanting that right. Now we are embroiled in the issues of who can be married. And medcial entities and others such as whom the county can release a body too is still not solved when the usual ' next of kin' isn't really part of the person's life. We are a mobile owrld, and family ' make-ups' change from what used to be. It has nothing to do with ones sexual orientation and partners one might have if that is ones chosen 'lifestyle.' Personally have know a couple of examples: a second cousin was the person in the home and couldn't OK surgery, etc until a father that had left home when the patient was a youngster could be found. HIPPAA doesn't help if one is unconscious and that OK for release is in some obscure doctor's file, somewhere/ if this was on a driver's licease, the hospital would know. Another: step daughter, whose only clse realtive she's ever known since early childhood couldn't get the body realease for burial as their religion required soon, due to the county having to scour the USA looking for some distant blood relative to Ok release of body to Funeral home or which one. Its a major problem and why did we allow one group 'hijack' the process? Some shrewd political stratisgists made us ' forget' the bigger picture. i'm not saying mariage is not between a man and woman. DOMA should have taken cae of these concerns for all of those whose ' next of kin' is not the usual ' common law' line up. its the USA and i don't have to agree with everyone's lifestyle and I don't and I haven't forgotten the history of how one gorup ' hijacked' the movement for their own agenda and the rest of us got pushed aside that can run into serious problems in our society. its our tax money paying for those frezzers at the morgue when the loved one has not next of kin rights under current law and very often its NOT a gay partner. Linda Joy Adams


Posted By: Chris Carmouche