Saturday, May 12, 2012

Revealed: Obama's SSI-Disability Unemployment Scam

( How did Obama do this magic trick of moving unemployment from a high of 10 percent to 8.1 percent without adding, you know, jobs? Well according to Shedlock, economists at JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Morgan Stanley say that those on Social Security Disability (SSDI) checks have risen by about 2.2 million.

People who qualify for SSDI are automatically excluded from the workforce, meaning that you can actually have an economy losing jobs while technically the unemployment rate will go down as more people received disability benefits and are subtracted from the workforce.

Social Security Disability is a picture perfect program scam for the Obama administration. It allows Obama to say that unemployment is going down, while adding to the rolls of people who are dependent on some sort of Democrat-Party enabled government assistance.  

Read The Full Story

1 comment:

  1. ADP affiliated with Affiliated computer serivces does these stats and should not be counting the disabled in the total percentages. this rise in nombers on disability has been expected for decades as the Baby boomers reached an age where some succomb to illnesses more readily and those only trained for manual labor have problesm due to their age. We had sheltered work shops for the diabled and retraiiang problems for those disabled that could retrain for other work over a decade ago and these were ' scrapped' by Congresses that didn't seem to care about a ' hand up and not a hand out.' Went the way of ' work fare' the Gov Tommy Tompkins-R and Ronald Reagan-R supported and the unemployed with a current resume of work and added job skills. When the ecoonomy is bad, the leaast able seem to always get layed off first and file for disability as part of the process to get assistance in other prgrams and many do qualify as their employers once 'didn't requir the same standard of production as the non- handicapped and forget EEOC they have never addressed these problems as the alw requires. So: the unemployed percentages should not include in the math problem those found disabled. Have ADP run the stats and see what the total would be. Some on SSA do legally work part time, that's another number. Liars figure and figures lie if the entire numerical picture is not shown. We need to stop being folled by manipulations of 8TH grade math. How about including all those senior citiznes that do volunterer work and would be working for pay if they could find a job? include those and the stats could be 20% unemployed. Please don't fault the disabled; that percentage is aobut where its always been expected when the baby Boomers got older and had to wuit work before returement age. Linda Joy Adams


Posted By: Chris Carmouche