Thursday, May 31, 2012

Eric Holder Wants One Law for Whites and Another for Non-Whites?

( Attorney General Eric Holder spoke to a gathering of black church leaders on Wednesday in Washington, D.C., where he told them that voting is a “sacred” right. Where’s the ACLU? Americans United for Separation of Church and State? Sounds like “theocracy” and “dominionism” to me. Where’s Michelle Goldberg? Wasn’t the Attorney General trampling on the First Amendment by mixing religion and politics?

The whole separation of church and state thing is a one way street. It’s only OK for liberals to make appearances before church leaders and speak about a “sacred” right.

It’s too bad that conservative church leaders are intimidated by the claims of liberals and organizations like the ACLU and Americans United. It’s more likely, however, that pastors use the “separation of church and state” myth as an excuse not to speak on political issues, thereby giving liberals free reign to recruit among religious adherents with no blowback from groups the ACLU and Americans United.

Read The Full Story


  1. If the republicans don't jump on this like scum on a pond, they are clearly stupid! It's past time we stand up to holder and obama and his entire demonrat regime. They smear and they critisize and they poke fun, but when they show their forked tongue and their knife in the backs of our citizens we stand by and ALLOW them to stab us in the backs and we wallow in it. They MUST be exposed and don't let them smooth it away and explain it with more lies. This is NOT the American way, this is the Nazi way satanic way. They are satanists, and lies is all they speak.

    1. With Holder, it isn't going to stop. Marc Rich's presidential pardon, the New Black Panthers intimidation of voters at the polls, and now Fast and Furious. And the rumor is that John Boehner is gonna let him go for fear of the "race card". The only racism going on is perpetrated by is Eric Holder who clearly hates whites.

  2. hmm sounds mildly reminiscent of this:


Posted By: Chris Carmouche