Thursday, April 12, 2012

Woman Denied Medical Care Because Her Carbon Foot Fottprint Is Too Big

( Much was made of Governor Sarah Palin’s use of the term “government death panels” to lambaste Obamacare. Left-wingers and Democrats everywhere scoffed at the term and accused Palin of demagogy and even lying. But the fact is, government death panels of all sorts are inevitable once government takes over healthcare. In fact, once government takes over healthcare, all sorts of unscientific, non-health related nonsense creeps into your healthcare whether you like it or not and none of these decisions are made with your doctor’s advice or consent.

To understand this we have but to look to countries that already have government provided healthcare to see many incidents of the foolishness that is government control of medicine. Arbitrary decisions are made, people are told they are too old to bother with and treatments are too late to save the patient because of long wait times.

Worse, are the cases where government lackeys use non-medical criteria to replace medical considerations such as a recent case in Britain where a woman was told she can no longer get her healthcare because her travel distance makes her “carbon footprint” too big.

That’s right, in Westcliff-on-Sea, an elderly British woman was told she is not allowed to have her surgery because the travel distance from her home is not “green” enough.

Read The Full Story


  1. If ObamaCare is not struck down by SCOTUS, we will see that and worse in this country, if it is not struck down, I'd be willing to show the Occupy crowd what a Real 99% protest would look like in DC! No Justice No Peace! We conservatives have got to get some backbone and use the Lefts same tactics and slogans!

  2. After weeks of trying to get the local hospital to send in ins claims and once being called to not come for a follow- up test when there was something ' unusual' on my yearly mammogram as ins couldn't be verified went anyway while Blues was calling to say did. Blues demands that all claims go through medicare first even though they aren't the primary payer- they keep trying to make it so and US dept of labor keeps posting it isn't and this has been going on for 12 years. Trailblazers processes the medicare claims. last year illegally said all cliams must be elctronically filed. HHS sent out a counter memo they ignored; paper must to be accepted. Medical care was to be denied until I straighten out the whole govt. I lost 2 sisters from Breast cancer, but was side effects of the new workers comp asthma meds. This is what ' death panels' are like with un accountable govt contractors in charge. To use phony claim numbers and try to have medicare pay is theft. Starting in 8/08; Trailblazers paid every claim back to 1/06,17 times by creating 15 phony Medicare numbers- the extra pays last seen at the federal reserve and diverted to ? And the witnesses to this at General Dynamics ( 1-800 medicare found it pervasive and thousands of fraud reports were never forwarded on to the fraud officials. Little could be done anyway as all govt contractors were given immunity from crimes by past congresses and they can't be internally audited. Three Medicare judges said the patient has to file civil suit on behalf of the taxpayer and get the monies back few attys will take a case when only 4 million stolen by contractor using 17. Please ask your Congress person to reinstate some basic laws. Govt contractors subject to our criminal laws and allow internal audits re use of money and that our rights exist. These all got suspended back in 1994. Linda Joy Adams with files and monies missing in 5 agencies under the control of affiliated computer services and their affiliates. (they will be counting our votes in 11/12 in Spain, too,- this is a world wide takeover by the investors of the federal reserve,etc. and the military industrial complex who seems to think its their job to be in charge of our health care while the monies disappear for it.( My three health plans are all federal you all thought you wanted and You will be getting it in one form or another and its our money in the hands of un accountable govt contractors. According to a congressional study of a few years ago, upwards of a million have already lost their lives as in order to ' illegal' dumping onto medicare diagnosis codes get changed which creates a fraudulent national health ins data base, another govt contract, and none are under the HIPPAA law -no correections can be made) This is too often used for medical history And SSA wants to use it for disability claims- expect a 10 year back log for hearings if that occurs- but the files are all in the control of ACS so they may just keep disppearing anyway.



Posted By: Chris Carmouche