Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Obama's Attorney Admits Birth Certificate Forged?

(GrassTopsUSA) "Obama’s lawyer, Alexandra Hill, admitted that the image of Obama’s birth certificate was a forgery and made the absurd claim that, therefore, it cannot be used as evidence to confirm his lack of natural born citizenship status. Therefore, she argued, it is 'irrelevant to his placement on the ballot.'" - Tea Party Tribune

You read that right!  Barack Obama's own attorney actually conceded that his birth certificate is a forgery!

Mario Apuzzo, the attorney representing the parties who are challenging Obama, confirmed the contention with this blow-by-blow:  "I called Brian Wilcox to testify as an internet image expert. Mr. Wilcox was going to testify on how the Obama April 27, 2011, long-form birth certificate has been altered and manipulated either by computer software or by a human or both, producing a forged documents, and that since the image is not reliable, we need to see the original paper version. Obama’s lawyer objected to my proffered testimony."

And what happened next was almost surreal. Apuzzo went on to write that Obama's attorney actually agreed "that both the court and the Secretary of State cannot rely on the internet birth certificate as evidence of Obama’s place of birth."

Read The Full Story


  1. Evidently there is no Hawaiian birth certificate that is legitimate. Match his footprint agalinst the Kenyan hospital birth certificate. He can't alter that.

  2. Now that he has admitted his BC a forgery/fake, why the heck are not the Republicans all over this story. Obama is therefore a fake/forgery president and should be immediately impeached.

  3. Whats alsolutly unreal is the fact that there are sooooooo many facts that point to a complete act of FRAUD on the part of the Demorats that Ovomit can not hide now from the truth. What he will do now is lie to the bitter end until he either gets kicked out on his lieing ass or our country will be screwed if he suceeds. He thinks this scam he is pulling on the American people is a big game. He will do or say anything to enslave this country! Ovomitt is a serial lier and communist!


Posted By: Chris Carmouche