Thursday, March 29, 2012

Feds Refuse To Release Obama Draft Docs To Sheriff Joe

( The Selective Service System has declined Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s request to see the original copy of Barack Obama’s Selective Service registration form. Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse investigating Obama’s eligibility announced at a March 1 press conference that it believes there is probable cause that the registration is fraudulent.

A three-sentence March 22 letter written on behalf of Selective Service Director Lawrence G. Romo, however, dismissed the request. “This Agency has no evidence that President Obama’s 1980 registration is not authentic,” wrote Richard S. Flahavan, associate director of public & intergovernmental affairs.

Apparently refusing to take seriously Arpaio’s investigation, Flahavan referred the sheriff to the FBI.

Read The Full Story


  1. Double negative. Somehow the idiots seem to rise to positions of authority.

  2. How come the ACLU isn't suing to have the documents released under the Freedom of Information Act? Just because the Selective Service believes "there is no evidence that it's not authentic" doesn't mean the American population shouldn't be able to see it. This is a load of crap.

    The more all of Obama's documentation is hidden, the more it seems that he is indeed a usurper who isn't qualified to be President.


Posted By: Chris Carmouche