Friday, March 30, 2012

Boys In The Hoodies: It's All About Race Now

( If it had been a white teenager who was shot, and a 28-year-old black guy who shot him, the black guy would have been arrested.

So assert those demanding the arrest of George Zimmerman, who shot and killed Trayvon Martin.

And they may be right.

Yet if Trayvon had been shot dead by a black neighborhood watch volunteer, Jesse Jackson would not have been in a pulpit in Sanford, Fla., howling that he had been “murdered and martyred.”

Maxine Waters would not be screaming “hate crime.”

Rep. Hank Johnson would not be raging that Trayvon had been “executed.” And ex-Black Panther Bobby Rush would not have been wearing a hoodie in the well of the House.

Which tells you what this whipped-up hysteria is all about.

Read The Full Story


  1. This incident happened over a month ago and I just heard about it in the last week. The media keeps showing the innocent picture of Trayvon instead of the actual thug picture of him. He deserved what he got. Now his mother is capitalizing on his 11+ yr picture, for monetary gain. Even "People" magazine has the 11+ yr picture on the cover. This is a travestry. The only thing the rest of the black radicals are concerned about is how they can racially capitalize on this act of self defense. It has drawn scumbags such as Jesse Jackass, Sharptongue and Freakhan out from the woodwork. The New Black Panthers has illegally put a bounty on Zimmerman's head and Spike Lee, has given the wrong address out for Zimmerman causing the owners at the incorrect address to flee for safety.

  2. And you expected anything less - actually it is just a ploy to capitalize the racial aspects in a presidential election year where Obama and his supporters want us to be distracted from the real problems facing America and think that we need another four years of a black president to make up for the racism suffered by the blacks. Well, remember in November and get rid of this racist president and his racist cronies. America can be great again and fair to all, equal opportunity under the law!

  3. Suppose for a minute that the circumstances of this event had all been reversed ... white victim, black perpetrator, and just suppose that thousands upon thousands of whites in multiple cities across the country took the streets threatening the same as what is happenig now... Do you think they would be met by the same benevolent media and the same indifference by the local PD's that we are seeing now?? Not to mention a resounding uproar bordering on riot from the black community to let the judicial system run it's course and prove whether or not the individual was guilty.

  4. Trayvon was suspended from school why was he going out of town in the very first place?

    He should have been grounded by his parent and studying so he would be ready to return to school.

    He went out of town instead to visit his father OK that is fine but he should not have been allowed to go out of the house especially at night.

    All of this would have never happened if his father would have grounded him because he messed up in school and that wasn't his first rodeo either.

    All of that makes no difference because Zimmerman had a gun and he shouldn't have been carrying one and Trayvon is dead but we all have to wait to find out what really happened that night and find out everything as to why it happened.

  5. There was a white 17 year old male murdered in Decatur IL in August of last year. He was protecting his 14 year old sister from a couple of black thugs. The girl was able to run home while the thug shot Caleb Witty. As of yet no one has been arrested or charged and there is no Jessie, Al, Maxine, or Bobby on the scene to stir up trouble.

  6. Tbe race hustlers of the world - Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Spike Lee, etc. - are just using this case as fodder for their usual agenda. People are shot dead in this country all the time and the people involved are from all different races and creeds, yet a big deal is not made out of those other cases. They cherry-picked this one.

    I'd like to know why the authorities aren't going after the New BLack Panthers who are openly saying they are going to have Zimmerman killed and are even rumored to be accepting donations from wealthy blacks to carry it out. Now THAT is a no-doubt crime there, yet nothing is being done about it. And where's the media's outrage about their behavior?

    What a load of crap this all is.


Posted By: Chris Carmouche