Thursday, February 16, 2012

Teacher Buys Morning After Pill For Student At Planned Parenthood

( Last week we told you about the college in Pennsylvania where student can pop in and buy the morning after pill from a vending machine. But if you’re a student in Austin, TX and only in high school, you might have had another option. This story tells about a high school math teacher who went to a Planned Parenthood and bought Plan B for a student bot old enough to buy it herself.

The Huffington Post reports: Tracy Lee Steinberg, a 32-year-old assistant basketball coach and math teacher at Lyndon B. Johnson High School in Austin has resigned after she said she gave a 16-year-old female student two morning-after pills, or Plan B, when the student showed up in class crying in January after having unprotected sex.

Steinberg admitted buying the pill, but some of what she said after is deeply disturbing. According to the Austin-American Statesman: “I still love and care about all my students, I always have and always will. I always put their needs before my own.”

Read The Full Story

1 comment:

  1. This teacher is as guilty as the teens committing fornication, killing a life, given there was conception. We all will be judged according to the Bible. Whether you say you believe the Bible or not, but remember the New Testament says even the demons believe and tremble. As a medical professional, and a student of the Bible, life begins at conception, which means, the fornication committed on behalf of participants, they kill the baby to cover up the sin, (morning after pill)except God sees and there will be a judgment day. In the book of Judges it states, "there is a way that seems right unto a man, but the end there of is destruction". I am also a 20 year youth worker(retired from that career) and I saw the pain the teens went thru, with difficulty to see them thru it all. Some didn't survive. There can be forgiveness, but some have trouble forgiving themselves which leads to other problems. Our money says, in God We Trust, but it's against the law to pray in school. Those who did this will face God as well.


Posted By: Chris Carmouche