Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Marco Rubio replacing Obama as Ineligibility Guy?

( Sean Hannity should be feeling mighty miffed today for being Joseph Farah punked. Republican Senator Marco Rubio was just dumped as the fresh red meat in the ineligibility ring, and the Hannity Show was used for the dumping.

“The new controversy over Rubio’s eligibility hit critical mass a week ago when WND Editor Joseph Farah dropped the bombshell observation that the Florida senator was not eligible to be vice president on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity” during a segment of Florida primary election analysis.” (Fritz Wenzel, WorldNetDaily (WND), Feb. 8, 2012).

“Some Republicans have already put him on the short list for vice president in the 2012 election. Given the already large and growing political influence of Florida in presidential politics, this makes sense. But it turns out he has an eligibility problem not unlike that of Barack Obama.”

Read The Full Story

1 comment:

  1. Rubio is NOT eligibil both of his parents were born in Cuba and that is it we have enough to handle right NOW we can't handle anymore.

    Rubio should be man enough to step up to the plate and say he can't run for VP he says he not interested but that not enough he should say he ineligibil nothing more nothing less and that is a fact.


Posted By: Chris Carmouche