Tuesday, February 7, 2012

It's Not Halftime: It's The Fourth Quarter In America

(AmericanThinker.com) It's the fourth-quarter. One team is standing on the sidelines beaten and battered trying to figure out if it can pull off a miracle come back. It's the fourth-quarter in America, too. Just last month 1.2 million formerly employed people disappeared into the black hole of a political unemployment equation - never to be counted again. This isn't a game to those millions of Americans who are out of work or under employed - this is their life. But the other team doesn't see it that way. To them it's about winning at all costs - even if it means playing outside the rules.

GM and Chrysler know all about playing and winning that kind of game. Thanks to a corrupt league with a president that picks the winners and losers. It's about playing in the freest economic system in the world and getting bailed with someone else's money when they lost all of theirs.

The people of America know a hell-of-a-lot about this kind of game; and what losing this game would ultimately mean for their future and the future of this country. People began to pull together in 2010 and made their voices heard loud and clear. And the America they once knew is now on its way back.

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Posted By: Chris Carmouche