Thursday, November 17, 2011

Video: Allen West Chastises The Media: Stop Being Afraid Of Obama

Allen West tells us that America needs "leadership" and America needs a "Commander-in-Chief" and not a "Campaigner-in-Chief." West adds; "I ask this from the media. Stop being afraid of this president. Stand up to him and call him out on the shirking of his duties and responsibilities. ... Call him out on what we see happening right now. ... The guy sitting at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is destroying this country." Good look on that one Congressman West.


  1. I love Allen West. HE is the one who needs to be in the White House. He has more intelligence in his little finger than the obamination has in his whole body! He has 22 YEARS of military EXPERIENCE in the heart of the ENEMY terrirory and he DOES NOT cozy up and kiss their muslim butts like the obamination does. He is an American citizen and HE loves our country and will wear his flag lapel pin no matter what foreign entity says. HE is not afraid of obama or his dems or the press. Wake up America and ask this gentlemen, who has moral, ethical and Godly principles, and loves Israel, to run for our president. God bless him and God bless America. We need him to fight and work for us, unlike the obamination.

  2. It is about damn time SOMEONE is standing up here,a little late,and way more information should come from Republicans. They have not been standing up for Country or Party. We have an illegal Commander In Chief for christ's sake.

  3. The last two comments by anonymous are dead right!!!

  4. Amen, Allen West!! Thank you!! Maybe you can start a 'movement' in Congress to get those elected by We, the People, to stand up against Obama and his cronies and demand that he either do his job, or vacate the WH!! We are as sick of his destructive regulations and his liberal ideas and committees and a do nothing Congress as you are. Thank you for coming forward and standing up for and respresenting us. We stand behind you!! Hooray for Congressman Allen West!!
    I am a proud Floridian!!

  5. Love, love, love Allen West!!!!!

  6. There is a reason Congress has such a low rating in the polls. With a few exceptions, they have no backbone and no you know what. I love Alan West, we need more like him. I don't understand how its not obvious to everyone what BHO is about.

  7. It is obvious that Alan West speaks His Mind and is not afraid of Obama.
    Except for a few individuals most of the Congress are quiet and do not want to jepardize their Elitist Status! We need a lot more in Congress like
    Alan West.

  8. I'm ready for Newt to be President, and Allen West to be VP. I think it would be a winning combination - can you imagine West squaring off against the current idiot VP? And Newt cleaning Obama's clock in any debate? I wanna see it come to pass!

  9. That would really be a fantastic ticket! They would have both Joe Blowhard and snot nosed Barry Soetoro cowaring in the corner and tripping over their respective tongues trying to come up with ANY answers for anything. Alan West is truly an American Heroes and proves it everyday!

  10. I am standing in aw of West's comments. This guy has some guts! Would he be willing to run and if elected would he be willing to lead in bringing charges of treason against Obama and his cronies?

  11. I'm browsing aw associated with West's responses. This person has several guts! Would he or she be ready to own and when decided would likely he or she be willing to lead within getting charges regarding treason in opposition to Barak with his fantastic cronies?

  12. Newt will hand the election to obama just like McCain did. They are RINO's. Don't vote for newt the blowhard pompous butt. He lies like obama.

  13. I pray that enough people in the U.S. can see the harm that Obama is doing to the poor and disadvantaged in this country. He gives them fish but doesn't want to allow them to fish on their own. They vote for him to get more fish.


Posted By: Chris Carmouche