Monday, September 26, 2011

Bill Maher: Sarah Palin Would 'F--k' Rick Perry If He Was Black

By Noel Sheppard

For the second week in a row since returning from his summer hiatus, it didn't take HBO's Bill Maher long to begin attacking conservatives.

Read The Full Story


  1. If I were Sarah's husband, I would punch the lights out of this idiot. What super moron this guy is !!!

  2. This guy wouldn't last five minutes outside his little liberal he's a wife/women abusing skinny little SOB, that will get his ass kicked, by someone down the road...Bank It!

  3. I used to watch Maher years ago when he was somewhat tolerable to listen to. I looked at it as getting insight into the Liberal worldview. But his seething anger has turned him into a fringe left-wing lunatic. He has absolutely no credibility anymore and about the only people who listen to him are a handful of angry Leftist.

  4. Pint-sized little socialist Maher's disgusting rhetoric is all too typical of the hateful Left, which never seems to mature beyond the juvenile stage.

  5. I hope next time before B Maher open his mouth against Sarah Palin - he will become mute. I hope his rating will gown down below zero - if there is such a rating. Sick , sick , sick men.

  6. Maher - just because you suck for Obama does not mean that everyone else is as big a whore as you are.

  7. MR. Maher, why don't you do the world a favor. DROP DEAD. It's too bad you didn't get eaten by the Cannibal women in the Avocado jungle of death.

  8. His silly immature rhetoric is indicative of who he truly is and anyone with brains knows it. Nuff Said!

  9. Did Sarah really get it on with a black man just before her and Todd hooked up?
    My gosh, I never knew she would do such a thing!
    Next thing you know, it will come out she was having Lesbian sex...
    Why is she having sex with Rick Perry?

  10. Maher is an idiot. He's got his nose in a nasty place and doesn't know anything for facts. The best way to make him disappear is to not watch or listen to him even to see what he is talking about. Any program that he shows up on I turn off.

  11. Todd needs to fix this morons clock!FOR KEEPS!

  12. Someone needs to start a petition to get Maher off HBO. I am cancelling my subscription today


Posted By: Chris Carmouche