Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Video: Did Obama Touch This Woman Inappropriately?

Chauvinist or not? ... Inappropriate or not? ... Would such a display of physicality be allowed in any government office? You be the judge. 

During a town hall meeting in Decorah, Iowa on Monday, an un-named women dared to question Barack Obama on why patriotic Americans are being called "terrorists."  As he addressed her, Obama reached out and touched her three separate times. Was it an act of intimidation? Was Obama simply trying to calm and reassure this woman (the liberal who posted this video to YouTube seems to think so, but others are not convinced)? If she had touched him, would the Secret Service have taken any action against the woman? Watch the video and give us your two cents.


  1. everything he does is inappropriate, He has no intent with anything but to destroy us...

  2. It is obvious from the video, that his hand on her arm does not bother her in the least. I don't think this touch was inappropriate; I think he was just making an attempt to communicate with her. And I do think that our culture is becoming a little paranoid about touching. Not every touch is bad.

  3. I don't believe that John Ghetty was as big of a criminal as Obama but I see nothing wrong in the video.
    If you want to get down to it how about his Fraud with his birth certificate, how about his phoney Social Security Numbers, how about his college records, how about his visa's and pass ports, how about his strikes on Lybia with out Congress. Obama should've been locked up long ago and I know if it were me or you we'd be in the federal prison in Colorado. We wouldn't have had the luxury of the many thing's he's done, just one of them would've been good enough to lock us up. So here we sit with an illegal alien, Muslim as a so called President who wants to destroy our Constitution and our Country. I served in the Marine Corps and I took an oath to protect the Constitution against ALL enemies both Forigen and DOMESTIC but here I sit with my foot in my mouth and I can't do anything about it without losing my own life. It's NOT for me to do anyway it's for Congress and the legal system and I do believe thier day is coming one way or the other and they had better head the American People will NOT put up with the CRAP they've been dealing. DO YOPU HEAR ME Pelosi, Reid and the rest of you IDIOTS.

  4. I am not a fan of Obama by any stretch of the imagination... he did NOT touch her inappropriately

  5. It is completely inappropriate for a man to touch a woman like that in the work place and it is completely inappropriate for Obama to touch her in these circumstances. If someone touched Michelle like that what would be her response? It is unpresidential and looks like he's simply dismissing her as an inferior.

  6. He's trying to disarm her. I've noticed he tries to grab or touch people who don't agree with him. He probably thinks that gives him control. He should not have touched her.

  7. His behavior is inappropriate for the position of President. Were the situation reversed she would be hauled off and charged. What makes him above the law of common respect for an individual?

  8. I saw this video before any question was raised about the touching and I was thinking if it was me I would have told him get your stinking hand off of me! But I wouldn't have used the term "stinking", it would have been much stronger.

  9. Having looked at this video, I don't believe that touch was inappropriate, now, that being said, I DO believe that everything else he, and his congressional commie cohorts has done, HAS been inappropriate!

  10. I would vote for Mickey Mouse before I would vote for Barack Obama, but no, he did not touch her inappropriately.

  11. It was not "inappropriate" in today's current 'sexual harassment' mindset, but it was definitely inappropriate in that he was trying to intimidate her and make her shut up. He did not want the truth exposed. And how come no one has mentioned that he angrily said to her, "You're not listening..." Isn't this taxpayer-funded tour of his called "The Listening Tour"?? I thought (wink wink)that meant HE wanted to listen to the American people. Turns out, he only wants US to listen to HIM. Not only is he a Christian-hating, America-hating Muslim illegal alien posing as the president of this once-great country, he is a world class liar and JERK!!! Now, ask me what I REALLY think of him!!

  12. Much as I am anti-Obama because of his "run-away government style", I see no evidence from the woman as taking offence at being touched on the shoulder or upper-arm. What I saw AND heard was a woman who was not afraid t speak out and tell the POTUS her views and ask questions.

  13. According to today's corporate culture a woman could turn him in for sexual harrassment for touching her. That is a fact. And once turned in you are guilty. The man may have meant no harm but that does not matter. So guys, keep your hands to yourself. Better safe then sorry.

  14. Tea Partier here. Much as I'd like to say it was, I don't see anything inappropriate. We all need to dial back the rhetoric a bit

  15. Proud, Southern, Christian American male here! I'm afraid we're looking too hard for anything concerning "O" we can sink our teeth into. If we refrain from crying "Wolf" at everything more attention will come to the real thing. I do not think this is inappropriate, but, I do feel that he caught himself prior to pushing her away or smacking her up side the head for having the nerve to question the Big "O".
    However, with the deception of no sound bite, one could assume that he might be offering a caress to "his Monica".

  16. From our point of view, he's not touching her in a sexual way, so in that sense its not inappropriate. But has she given him permission to touch her, that is the question. We can't tell from this video.

  17. I thought it was highly inappropiate. Maybe she was too distracted to touch him doing that. If she had touched hime, the Secret Service would have been all over her.

  18. Of course it's 'inappropriate'.
    Funny how the media uses the word "inappropriate", knowing full-well that most people will associate the word with "sexual". Intentionally misleading, in my opinion.

    What was even more "inappropriate" was his pawing the guy next to the woman - the guy was obviously upset about being 'fondled' by Obama and pulled away every time - it also appears that the guy tells him, "NO", at least once, but it's hard to tell 'exactly' what he said.

    Obama, the 'creature' itself, is "inappropriate".

  19. Though I am not an Obama fan, I do not think that this touch was inappropriate. Just casual contact during conversation. She obviously is not offended.

  20. The touch was NOT inapprpriate. When a person touchs another one on the shoulder as he did shows he is stressings how important the comment he is making is

  21. I don't believe the touching was inappropriate in and of itself, but certainly not presidential. I believe it's an instinctual act of defensiveness on his part. He knows he's under fire, can't take the heat, and reaches out to cool the situation down. Like he's saying, I'm really the good guy here. He'll never be a good guy in my eyes, ever! I certainly don't condone it or defend it, but that's what his body language says to me.

  22. That is an appropiate touch.
    It's what he says that is inappropiate.

  23. It may not be inappropriate, but it IS a good way to get your lights punched out if you misjudge a lady. The fact that he's POTUS may have saved him.

  24. Touching is a way to stop a person's conversation, distract them or make them pause. This is just some of the ways a person can alter a person's thought or verbal dialogue. It is well know and used by many. It didn't appear inappropriate but should anyone touch another without even knowing the person ?
    These exchanges are nothing more than a photo op. They mean nothing.


  26. arrest the s.o. b. and see what he thinks then

  27. The "touching" was rude and showed a lack of good manners and judgement. Deliberately touching another person (especially of the opposite sex) is reserved for people who know each other ... never in confrontational debate or opinions. The President was trying to upstage her opinion with uncalled for friendliness that didn't fit the occasion or the event.

  28. There was nothing offensive about the way he touched her. It was a little patronizing, as a reassuring touch one would give a child, but certainly not sexual in any way. This man does so many overt things that are against the Constitution, overreaching his authority, a slap in the face to the American people, etc. We should not make issues of this type of behavior. It makes us look very nitpicky, and weakens our case against the avalanche of real offenses he commits on a daily basis. I say to drop it.

  29. It is clear to me that he was belittling her comments as though they were naive or uncalled for. The touches telegraphed that, and were overworked - open to interpretation in my opinion; they were uncalled for. She should have also screamed at the top of her voice "YOU ARE *NOT* LISTENING" several times and so should the person standing beside her. It is clear that Obama did not want to acknowledge what she was saying.


  31. She should charge him with sexual harassment... He does NOT know this woman and he should not touch her... If it would have been Bush or any other Republican the liberal media would be crying out for him to tarred and feathered and run him out of the county...

  32. Someone is dragging a red herring across the Obama trail---this issue does not warrrent the degree of attention it is getting and is taking away focus on the critical Obama issues that are facing us. Quit stepping on ants while lions are leaping through the windows, as some ol' sage said. Focus, Focus, Focus, else there may be no tomarrow.

  33. Non-issue. C'mon...

  34. A president does not touch a citizen at any time, and his advisors should have advised him of that long ago. This was a public forum and not an intimate gathering. He did not know this woman and he was not listening to a thing she was saying. Does he ever listen to anyone???? Sure hasn't for over two years now. But he gets away with pretty much anything he sets out to do and the big question in my head is screaming loudly, why is this being allowed?
    My vote, no touching, keep hands and feet to self, children, says the teacher on the first day of school.

  35. I think an article like this is sort of stupid....to be honest. We don't have any other news? I definately am NOT an obama fan......but isn't this an example of someone's really slow day news???????????

    To some women, anything can become inappropriate.....they need to grow up......this woman looked very self assured, and did not seem upset.....altho can't blame her if she went to the closest restroom and washed her hands and arms.... V B G remember the creepiest boy in class nudging you.......Ick!!!!

  36. I've noticed that Obama touches everybody all the time. Seems the condescending, arrogant idiot can't shake hands with someone without that extra touch, sometimes a hug. As stated above, everything Obama does is inappropriate. Can't wait til he's gone!

  37. While I do not support our President AT ALL, I think this is being carried a little too far. I have a tendency to touch. He wasn't caressing her inappropriately; I personally believe it was his way of subconsciously trying to diffuse a situation. And as some others have said here in the comments, the "victim" didn't seem offended at all!

  38. It looks like he's losing the argument and desperate to get her to stop talking, but the touches, as much as is shown in this video, do not seem inappropriate. It may have been an act of intimidation, but a poorly executed one. What would you expect from this weak, pathetic, figurehead president?

  39. It is disgusting to me that everything everyone ever does, people yell "Foul". We have gotten so touchy in this nation that everything is subject to the PC/discrimination police. President Obama was NOT touching this woman inappropriately. He was, however, undermining what she was saying, by sort of consoling her and trying to, yes, intimidate her. He always does this; watch him with any presumed adversary. He may not touch, but he reaches out towards them and brings them in trying to make them believe he is on their side.

  40. It's hard to know his motives but everything he does is foul.

  41. He should keep his paws off! PERIOD

  42. The Freickin' Muslims would have had 10 car bombs go off over this!!

  43. people just dont get it,this man is above the law,..he has been given that possition by ..unknown secrets..in our and other governments..he was groomed for years for this.he is untouchable..he did get to be orsident to due to legal means..the votes were set up, i personally believe that McCain never had intentions of winning..there for they brought in PALIN,an unknown than,had to muzzle her because she genarated..hope and a future, however, unbeknown to her..she was being set up to fail..who the hell would have put mccain as a contender for the presidancy?.it was fixed..but what do I know..im just an ole lady..pushing thru the smoke of political B.S.

  44. When I tried to watch the video, it said that it was private! I wish I could judge the video for myself, but I guess the powers that BE, yanked it.


Posted By: Chris Carmouche