Thursday, August 11, 2011

Ann Coulter Joins Board For Homosexual Group

World Net Daily

Columnist Ann Coulter, whose work appears weekly on WND, is joining the advisory board of GOProud, the Republican homosexual activist organization whose leaders say they are "conservative." The move comes after her controversial decision last fall to speak to the group prompted another conservative conference to withdraw its speaking invitation. Coulter said in a statement, according to Chris Moody of the blog The Ticket, "I am honored to serve in this capacity on GOProud's Advisory Council, and look forward to being the queen of fabulous."

Read The Full Story


  1. Go Ann!..

    We conservatives can fall into the trap of being branded bigots, racists and homophobes by subscribing to a policy that days "if you're not such and such", then you can't be a conservative. I find Ann's agreeing to be on GOProud's advisory board controversial and refreshing. We cannot overcome the liberal, socialist movement by excluding persons or groups who believe in Conservative values.

  2. Well,Well,Well!!The slant is now showing !

  3. Done with you Ann the homosexual movement is liberal and socialist in their actions ... guess you drank the kool-aid :-(

  4. An economic conservative, yet a social liberal. But in the end, a social liberal who feels they are conservative are just wolves in sheep's clothing... once you concede on moral standards, by what standard can anything else be judged?

  5. Ann is a bright, intelligent woman. Aligning herself with GOProud will not change the forgoing. However, since I consider homosexual behavior immoral, she needs to say no more in word or print.

  6. I sure hope she's dropped WND!

  7. Is Ann married? I have never heard any mention of a husband, so now I have to wonder. Closet homosexual?

    Her catering to this organizaion just aids and supports them. Any organization 'within' that goes against the majority might be there to divide and conquer. Jimmy Carter is an example. He supposedly is a Bible believing Christian, but has taken several actions to break up the Southern Baptists into splinter groups. Also, he supports Palestinians against Israel, someing true Christians would never do. So Ann, what's up? I am sooooo disappointed.

  8. Very disappointing Ann. You've surrendered the moral high ground.

  9. I just confimed this at:

    I had the utmost respect for her before, but forget it now.

    Anybody here interested in starting a new country? I am getting sick of the dirty politics and back stabbing ideals of mixed up people like Ann. Is there any pro-gun, anti-abortion, non-racists, conservative Christians left in this world, or are me and my wife the last ones? If not, it sure feels like it!!!

  10. I hope WND drops her as well as Fox.

  11. Gay conservative is an oxymoronic statement, similar to REHEARSED IMPROVISATION.

    People, we live in a mixed up world gone mad, forgotten is the social norms and religious values our ancestors held dear.

    Popular today is what what was evil yesterday.

    May God protect me and my family when His anger becomes inflamed until he turns His back in shame and allows Satan the chance to dance on America's misfortunes for her infidelity with ignorance.

    People, stock up on beans, bullets, and bandaids for locusts have consumed our future and thier appetite for the destruction of America has become our destiny. The smell of freedom burning permeates my nose while the vision of a constitution goes up in flames.

  12. First, Ann supports Christie who is for amnesty, cap and trade believing in global warming and then dictatorially banned coal from N.J. I do believe she's left her conservative beliefs to be well accepted by her liberal friends.
    I'm done Ann. They're other true conservative women out there who stick to their principles that I can support.

  13. Most of you commentators boggle the mind. "Live and let live" is much more Christian than the intolerant vigilantism which you promote ("vigilantism" here meaning attempting to run peoples' private lives).

    Consider the possibility that God actually created ALL variations of human expression--including gay people. And if He did not, well, He can deal with the "sinners" on their day of reckoning.

    It is absolutely possible to be economically conservative and socially liberal--and even gay! Let us look to our Libertarian brothers and sisters.

  14. The only thing that is going to save this nation is Jesus, and His people coming out of their salt shaker. Conservatism is simply pretend salt.

  15. I hate being on here as 'anonymous' but I could not get the URL thing to log me on. For the record I am John Hand, and I never say anything I will not put my name to. I like the comment up there one 'anonymous' said aboutstocking up on beans, bullets and band-aids. I have alway said Guns, gold and gas masks, so if in doubt, stock them all. And another 'anonymous' up there asked if there were any pro-gun, anti-abortion, non-racists, conservative Christians left in this world, or are me and my wife the last ones? I am one, and there are many more of us, believe me. Trouble is, 'good' Christians supposedly turn the other cheek, and as a result, too many have been stepping on us. That is what the Jews did in Europe in the 30s, and look at what happened to them. Will it be too late for us?

  16. I will no longer view her column; my view of her opinion has diminished due to her stand on this issue. If she wants to be the "queen of the fabulous" thats her choice, poor one though it is.

  17. Whaaaat? Say it isn't so, Ann...


Posted By: Chris Carmouche