Monday, July 25, 2011

Obama/Holder Could Face Felony Charges for Fast and Furious

By Doug Book

Why waste time asking “What did you know and when did you know it?” when the Obama Regime might already face felony charges?

Read The Full Story

White House Watch


  1. What a load of crap!
    No one in Congress has the 'meat' in their pants to do anything about it. Not Wilson, not Ron Paul, not Rand Paul, not even Alan West.
    The "birth certificate" IMAGE that was put out AFTER THE STATE OF HAWAII STATED THAT IT DID NOT EXIST, has been investigated and proven fraudulent by dozens of 'experts in their field', yet "Congress" does nothing.
    Obama commits International Crimes against the Nation of Libya by virtue of his unilateral invasion of that country, and "Congress" does nothing.
    The Joint Chiefs follow Obama instead of the Constitution, the UCMJ, and Rule of Law - thereby committing High Treason, and "Congress" does nothing.
    It is, not only, the RIGHT, but the DUTY, of the American People to remove this "UNLAWFUL ADMINISTRATION" by whatever means necessary.

    Read it for yourself.

  2. Before Obama was elected and on the Campaign trail - the stories were out about his birth certificate, his Marxist friends, his socialist voting, and his intent to destroy the wealth of the United States - anyone hear about the 3.8% tax on the sale of all houses - that's coming and was in the Obama Care Package that was passed. This man is a criminal and no one will do a thing to impeach this imposter and make him pay every dime he has spent back to the U.S. Govt. and recall every bill this jerk has signed into law.


Posted By: Chris Carmouche