Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Video Romney Does Not Want You To See


  1. Who is this guy? An American?

  2. If you claim to be Republican and a conservative you better stand for morality and understand the Constitution is not for those who are NOT GOD FEARING. TRUE AMERICANS obey GOD not politicians or human standards and if you are running for office you better be on the side of GOD and HIS NATURAL laws....why do you think the Declaration of Independence preamble states what it states...because depots are wicked and ungodly and a government will not stand if it acts against Natures GOD. SO VOTE FOR A CONSERVATIVE not a RINO.

  3. It is a given that candidates sometimes have to shift to the right or to the left to match up against their opponents for a chance at victory. Ideally, they don't do that and remain true to their convictions, but in 1994 Romney obviously had to otherwise he would have polled about 22% in that election. As it was, he nearly unseated the "Lion of the Senate." I think it unconscionable that you would attempt to derail perhaps the most viable candidate in the Republican field over positions taken in that race 17 years ago, especially when he's articulated his core beliefs so ardently just within the past four years. Shame on you!

  4. In a sense, he's very much like Barack Obama, because he will say anything that he feels a specific audience wants to hear. What does Romney really believe when it comes to the issues? We know who Obama is in that sense, but who is Romney?


Posted By: Chris Carmouche